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Schedule Fields

There are two types of Fields available in Schedules: Default and Custom

Updated today


In Schedules, you can build a variety of documents that are useful as means of communication during the design and construction process, and documents that are required to complete deliverables.

There are two types of Fields (or, Columns) in Schedules: Default Fields and Custom Fields

Default Fields

Default Fields are any fields that contains data uploaded by Acelab and their content cannot be changed, with the exception of the Product Field. Adding a Default Field automatically adds the data to a Schedule. The list of available Default Fields are available based on the Product Category of the Schedule. For example, if you are in a Window Schedule, you will only see a list of Default Fields which pertains to Windows data that is available, such as U-Value, SHGC, and more. Default Fields have a small Acelab logo to the left of the field header text, as shown in the image below.

Types of Default Fields

Fields that are considered Default Fields include, but are not limited to:

  • Product: This field contains the name, image, and description of product(s) added to the project. You can also add products directly to the schedule using this field.

  • Material: This field will be automatically populated with the primary material of the added product when said product is added from the database

  • Masterformat Section: This field will be automatically populated with the Masterformat number of the added product when said product is added from the database

  • Used in Projects: This field will be automatically populated with the names of Projects where the product has been used

  • Fire Rating: This field will be automatically populated with the fire rating value of the added product (if available) when said product is added from the database

  • Reps: This field will be automatically populated with the name of manufacturer representative associated with the added product

  • Comments: This field will be automatically populated with the count of comment line items that are associated with the product, within the user account. When the icon/number of comments is selected, users can see the comments in a new pop-up window.

Steps for Adding Default Fields

  1. Click the Plus icon (+) at the right side of the fields. This opens the Field modal

  2. Scroll for the Field you are looking for under the Default Field section. Alternatively, you can Search for the field you are looking for.

  3. In the Default Fields section of the modal, Default Fields that are disabled (shown in gray) on the list are existing and have been added to the Schedule. If you do not see this Default Field in your schedule, check the Hide button.

    Enabled Default Fields (shown in black) are existing and have not been added to the Schedule. Click on the enabled Default Field to add it to the Schedule.

  4. Select the field you are looking for. The data associated with that field will appear automatically!

Custom Fields

Custom Fields are available for recording additional information relating to the Product, Project and/or Firm Library. Depending on their Field type, Custom Fields have a small icon to the left of the column header text, as shown in the image below.

Types of Custom Fields

There are four types of Custom Fields:

  • Text

  • Number

    • Single-entry

    • Multi-entry

  • List

    • Single-entry

    • Multi-entry

  • Attachment

    • Single-entry

    • Multi-entry

Below are examples of Custom Fields that you can create:

  • Approval Status

  • Notes

  • Assemblies

  • Reference Photos

  • Cost

  • Design Option

Steps for Adding Custom Fields

  1. Click the Plus icon (+) at the right side of the fields. This opens the Field modal

  2. In the Custom Fields section of the modal, Custom Fields that are disabled (shown in gray) on the list are existing and have been added to the Schedule. If you do not see this Custom Field in your schedule, check the Hide button.

    Enabled Custom Fields (shown in black) are existing and have not been added to the Schedule. Click on the enabled Custom Field to add it to the Schedule.

  3. In the modal, you can search for a Custom Field that you or a collaborator have created in the project by typing in the Search bar or scrolling the Custom Fields section.

  4. Alternatively, you can also create a new Custom Field by clicking + Add a Custom Field at the bottom of the modal.

  5. In the Add Custom Field modal, enter a name for your new Custom Field and select the type of field. Note: You cannot have a Custom Field with the same name and type. You can have a Custom Field with the same name but a different type.

  6. If you selected a Text type, your new Text field will be automatically added to the Schedule.

    If you selected a List, Number, or Attachment type, you can set additional behaviors for your field:

    1. List Type: Select whether your list will be a Single-Select or Multi-Select. You can also set Options, and customize the highlight color of each option.

    2. Number Type: Select whether you want to Allow Multiple Option. You can also select the decimal Formatting.

    3. Attachment Type: Select whether you want to Allow multiple documents or images. For a list of acceptable attachment types, click here.

  7. Once you’ve set the behavior(s) of your field type, click Create Field. Your new Custom Field will be visible in your Schedule and is ready to use!

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