Home page 🏠
Simon Dubreucq avatar
Written by Simon Dubreucq
Updated over a week ago


The home page of your game is the most important page because it is the one that will make your users want to participate and fill out the form. On this page, you should optimize the space to highlight the rewards which are at stake and the “play/participate” button should be centered. It must also be possible to find the dates, as well as the title of the campaign.

Regarding the button "play/parrticipate", there are several possible authentications. This button allows you to collect data on players and to auto-fill the fields of the form for the next step, to streamline the gaming experience.

There are 7 types of authentication possible:

  • Anonymous

  • Via Twitter

  • Via Instagram

  • Via Reach5

  • Via Google +

  • Via your own SSO connector

Anonymous authentication allows all players to participate. It does not collect any data specific to the user and therefore requires the addition of a form to have information on these. On the other hand, it shows how many people have seen the home page and how many people have officially clicked on the "participate" button.

Authentication via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ requires the participant to have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ account to be able to participate in the game. Only people connected to their account will have access to the game. If you have a form page after your home page, the information can be auto-filled with data collected via the connection with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ beforehand. In two clicks, your users will have access to the game.

You can also add your own SSO connection. This means that users will be able to log in with the credentials they use on your site to access the game. This also allows auto-fill for the different fields of the form. For this, contact your dedicated Account Manager.

Please note:

  • You can add the authentication buttons on your home page. This way, you can offer Facebook authentication, Twitter etc... and let users make their own choice.

  • A homepage is not always necessary in a game. You can directly have a form page as a home page. This allows customers to not have two steps before accessing the game. However, it is not possible to auto-fill the fields of the form if there is no authentication page.

Optimizing the home page

Are you lacking inspiration or do you want to boost the performance of your game Here are some good practices to follow in order to reach your goals:

  • Highlight the reward and make it visible so that it catches the eye of the user

  • Highlight and enlarge the participation button, near the reward

  • Do not have too many texts on the screen so as to highlight the main information

  • Putting a glimpse of the game mechanics used is a plus

  • The logo, the dates and the title of the game need to be indicated but are not the main information.

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