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Game and user variables
Updated over a week ago

On each page of the campaign editor and your Emailing option, you have the possibility of using specific variables for each game module (time, score, etc.).

Using a variable

The easiest way to use a variable is the following:

  • you must add a text field to a page

  • and type the % symbol, which will provide access to all the variables available on the campaign. These variables will be displayed and filtered according to the entered text.

  • select the variable by clicking on it

Variables can also be used with the following widgets:

  • Buttons

  • iFrame

  • Callback JS

  • Callback URLs

⚠️ To work, a variable must be written in lower case. Example: you must write %iw_name% instead of %IW_NAME% or %IW_name%.

💡 If a variable is written with a capital letter, then it must also be included. Example: %circlePuzzle_score%

Available variables




  • remaining_joker: remaining joker on Battle

Beer Pong

  • beerPong_score: score on the last game played

  • beerPong_bestScore: user's best score

  • beerPong_duration: Beer Pong duration

  • current_score: current score on the game

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • remaining_shot: remaining shot

  • beerPong_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Beer Pong (200pts), then a second Beer Pong (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Beer Pong 1 & 2, or 300pts


  • %campaign_start_short_date% : starting date format DD/MM

  • %campaign_end_short_date% : ending date format DD/MM

  • %campaign_start_date% : starting date format DD/MM/YY

  • %campaign_end_date% : ending date format DD/MM/YY

  • %campaign_name% : campaign's name

Catch Them All

  • current_score: current score

  • remaining_time: remaining time on the game

  • nbBonus: current bonus numbers

  • nbMalus: current malus numbers

  • nbItems: current items numbers

  • catchThemAll_score:score onCircle Puzzle

  • catchThemAll_bestScore: user's best score

  • catchThemAll_duration: Catch them All duration

  • catchThemAll_bonus: number of bonus caught

  • catchThemAll_malus: number of malus caught

  • catchThemAll_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Catch Them All (200pts), then a second Catch Them All (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Catch Them All 1 & 2, or 300pts

Circle Puzzle

  • current_score: current score

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • circlePuzzle_score: score on the last game played

  • circlePuzzle_bestScore: user's best score

  • circlePuzzle_duration: Circle Puzzle duration

  • circlePuzzle_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Circle Puzzle (200pts), then a second Circle Puzzle (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Circle Puzzle 1 & 2, or 300pts

External App

All variables "pushed" via API are available via the api prefix.


  • %api.score%: App Extern App score

  • %api.NameOfMyVariable%: Variable %NameOfMyVariable% App Externe

Facebook Connect

  • email from Facebook

  • facebook.first_name: first name from Facebook

  • facebook.last_name: last name from Facebook

  • full name from Facebook

  • facebook.gender: gender from Facebook

  • facebook.locale: language from Facebook

  • facebook.fbuid: Facebook user's ID


  • current_score: current score

  • flappy_score: score on the last game played

  • flappy_bestScore: user's best score

  • flappy_duration: Flappy duration

  • flappy_total_score: cumulated scores on various Flappy modules

  • flappy_total_score daily: cumulated scores on various Flappy modules on a daily basis (24H)

  • flappy_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Flappy (200pts), then a second Flappy (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Flappy 1 & 2, or 300pts

Flip and Win

  • %flipandwin_selected_visual_1% : This variable displays the name of the first visual selected by the user.

    This variable can be added several times to display the other visuals selected by the user in a certain order. Example:



  • form.civility: civility on form

  • form.firstname: first name on form

  • form.lastname: name on form

  • email on form

  • form.address: address on form

  • form.zipCode: zip code on form

  • city on form

  • country on form

  • form.loyalty: loyalty card number on form

  • form.deskPhone: phone on form

  • form.mobilePhone: mobile phone on form

  • form.nickname: nickname on form

  • form.state: state on form

  • form.birthday: birthday on form

  • form.reglement: Opt-in Terms and Conditions on form

  • form.newsletter: Opt-in newsletter on form

  • form.optin_partner: Opt-in partner on form

  • form.optin_mobile:Opt-in text message on form

  • form.pinterest_board: Pinterest ID on form

  • form.pointofsale: points of sales on form

  • form.gate_code: gate code on form

  • form.custom_1: custom field 1 on form

  • form.custom_2: custom field 2 on form

  • form.custom_(...): custom field X on form

  • form.custom_15: custom field 15 on form

Gate Code

  • gateCode_code: displays the last code used on the campaign during the current game session

Gift finder

  • giftsFinder_article1_label: product #1 name Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article1_description: product #1 description on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article1_url: product #1 URL on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article1_image: product #1 visual on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article2_label: product #2 name Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article2_description: product #2 description on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article2_url: product #2 URL on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article2_image: product #2 visual on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article3_label: product #3 name Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article3_description: product #3 description on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article3_url: product #3 URL on Gift Finder

  • giftsFinder_article3_image: product #3 visual on Gift Finder


  • current_score : current score on the game

  • remaining_time : remaining time on the game

  • glutton_score : final score after the game

  • glutton_bestScore : best score for this game

  • glutton_duration : time spend on the game

  • glutton_countGumsEaten : number of dots "eaten"

  • glutton_countEnergizerEaten : number of Super Dots "eaten"

  • glutton_countGhostEaten : number of enemies "eaten"

  • glutton_countBonusEaten : number of bonuses "eaten"

Google Connect

  • ID from Google Account

  • google.firstname: user's first name from Google Account

  • google.lastname: user's last name from Google Account

  • user's email from Google Account

  • google.language: user's language from Google Account

  • user's full name from Google Account

  • google.imageUrl: image URL from Google Account

Hidden Objects

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • remaining_items: number of remaining items to find

  • nb_success: number of objects found

  • nb_errors: number of errors made

  • hiddenObjects_score: score on the last game played

  • hiddenObjects_bestScore: user's best score

  • hiddenObjects_duration: duration Hidden Objects

  • hiddenObjects_nbItemsFound: current number of objects found

  • hiddenObjects_itemsFound: current number of objects to find

  • hiddenObjects_errors: current number of errors made

  • hiddenObjects_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Hidden Objects (200pts), then a second Hidden Objects (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Hidden Objects 1 & 2, or 300pts

Instant Win games

(All versions: Click & Win, Claw Crane, ScratchOff, Shuffler, Slot Machine, Lucky Wheel, Pinata)

  • remaining_time: remaining time

Instant Win Results

  • last_iw_code: last code won on an Instant Win game

  • iw_code: code won at Instant Win

  • iw_name: reward's name won at Instant Win

  • iw_picture: picture of the reward won (based on the visual imported when you created your reward)

  • iw_link: URL linked to the prize won

  • iw_selected_reward: only for Click&Win mechanics. To display the name of the endowment chosen as a specific variable on the results screens, such as the "lost", "already played" or interstitial screen to show which reward the user has entered.

  • code_1 and code_2: When you have two codes to communicate


  • remaining_time: remaining time Intruder

  • intruder_duration: duration on Intruder

  • intruder_score: score on the last game played

  • intruder_bestScore: user's best score

  • intruder_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Intruder (200pts), then a second Intruder (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Intruder 1 & 2, or 300pts

Match 3

  • current_score: current score

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • match3_score: score on the last game played

  • match3_bestScore: user's best score

  • match3_duration: Match 3 duration

  • moves: number of current moves

  • remaining_moves: number of remaining moves

  • match3_nbMoves: number total moves on Match3

  • match3_nbRemainingMoves: maximum number of moves allowed

  • match3_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Match 3 (200pts), then a second Match 3 (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Match 3 (1 & 2), or 300pts

Media Upload


  • current_score: current score MegaJump

  • megajump_score: score on the last game played

  • megajump_bestScore: user's best score

  • megajump_duration: duration on Megajump

  • megajump_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Megajump (200pts), then a second Megajump (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Megajump (1 & 2), or 300pts


  • current_score: score on Memory

  • current_success_strokes: current number of successful strokes

  • current_strokes: current number of strokes played

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • memory_score: score on the last game played

  • memory_bestScore: user's best score

  • memory_duration: duration

  • memory_success_strokes: total number of successful strokes

  • memory_strokes: total number of strokes played

  • memory_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Memory (200pts), then a second Memory (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Memory (1 & 2), or 300pts

Mystery Word

  • remaining_time: time remaining on the chronometer

  • current_score: current score of the game

  • remaining_lives: number of lives or elements of the remaining hangman

  • mysteryWord_score: score obtained in the last game

  • mysteryWord_bestScore: best score for Mystery Word

  • mysteryWord_duration: Duration per Mystery Word

  • mysteryWord_score_word_X: Score on word number X (where "X" is the position of the word in the module Content tab)

  • mysteryWord_nbLetters: number of letters used

  • mysteryWord_nbValid: number of valid letters

  • mysteryWord_nbErrors: number of letters in error

  • mysteryWord_nbGoodAnswers: number of correct answer(s) found (words or sentences)

  • mysteryWord_nbBadAnswers: number of words or sentences not found

  • mysteryWord_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Mystery Word (200pts), then a second Mystery Word (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Mystery Word (1 & 2), or 300pts


  • current_score: current score

  • distance: current distance covered

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • outrun_distance: distance covered on Outrun

  • outrun_duration: duration

  • outrun_score: score on the last game played

  • outrun_bestScore: user's best score

  • outrun_nBonusPoints: number of bonus points achieved

  • outrun_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play an Outrun (200pts), then a second Outrun (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Outrun (1 & 2), or 300pts

Paper Toss

  • papertoss_score: score on the last game

  • papertoss_bestScore: user-s best score at the game

  • papertoss_duration: duration on Paper Toss

  • current_score: current score (on Paper Toss page)

  • remaining_time: remaining time (on Paper Toss page)

  • wind_force: wind force (if activated)

  • papertoss_cumulated_score: all cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Paper Toss (200pts), then a second Paper Toss (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Paper Toss 1 & 2, which is 300pts


  • current_score: current score

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • penalty_score: score on the last game played

  • penalty_bestScore: user's best score

  • penalty_duration: duration

  • penalty_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Penalty (200pts), then a second Penalty (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Penalty (1 & 2), or 300pts


  • current_score: current score

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • pinball_score: score on the last game played

  • pinbal_bestScore: user's best score

  • ball_score: current score for the ball played

  • pinball_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Pinball (200pts), then a second Pinball (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Pinball (1 & 2), or 300pts


  • bets_score: score on Prediction

Question / Survey / Personnality Test

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • question_score: total points obtained for the questions on the previous page (total points obtained for each question on this page, whether there are one or more questions and whether there are one or more weighted response).

  • question_bestScore: best score obtained on one of the question pages - all campaign question pages combined - and not only the previous one (cumulative points obtained on each question on this page).

  • question_score_total: total points obtained on all previous question pages (regardless of the number of questions on the same page).

  • question_bestScore_total: best total score of points obtained on all previous question pages (regardless of the number of questions on the same page).

  • question_1_user_answer: Answer 1 from user

  • question_[question's number]_user_answer: answer X from user

  • question_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Quiz (200pts), then a second Quiz (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Quiz 1 & 2, or 300pts

  • personality_user_profile: allows to display on a result page and in the various RS widgets (e.g. in a Facebook share) the name of the user's profile obtained after having done his test.


  • rank_position : user's ranking on the game (only available on the Ranking page)


  • remaining_tweets: remaining tweets on Reveal


  • current_score: current score

  • shooter_score: score on the last game played

  • shooter_bestScore: user's best score

  • shooter_duration: duration

  • remaining_time: remaining time on the current game

  • shooter_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Shooter (200pts), then a second Shooter (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Shooter 1 & 2, or 300pts

Shopping List

  • basket_total: total cost of the basket

  • basket_remaining_price: remaining price available

  • article_1_label: product 1's name

  • article_1_image: product 1's visual

  • article_1_url: product 1's URL

  • article_2_label: product 2's name

  • article_2_image: product 2's visual

  • article_2_url: product 2's URL

  • article_3_label: product 3's name

  • article_3_image: product 3's visual

  • article_3_url: product 3's URL

  • dynamic_image: product's dynamic visual

Shuffle Board

  • shuffleBoard_score: score at Shuffle Board

  • shuffleBoard_bestScore: best score at Shuffle Board

  • current_score: current score at Shuffle Board

  • remaining_time: remaining time at Shuffle Board

  • remaining_shot: Number of remaining shots

  • shuffleBoard_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a ShuffleBoard (200pts), then a second ShuffleBoard (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my ShuffleBoard 1 & 2, or 300pts


  • current_score: current score

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • slicer_score: score on the last game played

  • slicer_bestScore: user's best score

  • slicer_duration: duration

  • slicer_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Slicer (200pts), then a second Slicer (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Slicer 1 & 2, or 300pts


  • current_strokes: current strokes played so far

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • puzzle_score: score on the last game played

  • puzzle_bestScore: user's best score

  • puzzle_duration: duration

  • puzzle_strokes: number of total strokes played

  • puzzle_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Sliding Puzzle (200pts), then a second Sliding Puzzle (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Sliding Puzzle 1 & 2, or 300pts


  • current_score: current score

  • current_sequence: current sequence on Simon

  • max_sequence: maximum achievement on current sequence

  • total_sequence: total sequences

  • simon_score: score on the last game played

  • simon_bestScore: user's best score

  • simon_duration: duration

  • simon_maxSequence: maximum achievement on a sequence

  • simon_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Simon (200pts), then a second Simon (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Simon 1 & 2, or 300pts

Speed Racing

  • speedRacing_score: score on the last game played

  • speedRacing_bestScore: user's best score

  • speedRacing_duration: duration

  • speedRacing_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a SpeedRacing (200pts), then a second SpeedRacing(100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my SpeedRacing 1 & 2, or 300pts

Spot the difference

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • nb_errors: current number of errors

  • remaining_items: remaining items to find

  • spotTheDifference_score: score on the last game played

  • spotTheDifference_bestScore: user's best score

  • spotTheDifference_duration: duration

  • spotTheDifference_itemsFound: number of objects found

  • spotTheDifference_errors: number of errors made

  • spotTheDifference_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Spot the differences (200pts), then a second Spot the differences (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Spot the differences 1 & 2, or 300pts


In-game variables to display on the current Swiper game page :

  • visual_name : name of a content

  • remaining_contents: number of visuals remaining to be displayed

  • remaining_jokers: number of remaining jokers

  • remaining_super_likes: number of remaining Super likes

  • current_users_likes: number of "Like" for a content, all users combined

  • current_users_dislikes: number of "Dislikes" for a content, all users combined

  • current_users_super_likes: number of "Super likes" for content, all users combined

Some variables can be used depending on what you want to display: those related to the user's choices and those related to the choices made by all users on the game campaign.

Variables related to the user's choice :

  • swiper_content_name_X: displays the name associated with a visual on the result page, taking into account only the votes of a given user.

  • swiper_cumulated_content_numberLikes: number of "Likes" for a content and for a user, by cumulating all the participations to a swiper [CUMULATION OF PARTICIPATION TO THE SAME SWIPER]

  • swiper_total_cumulated_content_numberLikes: number of "Likes" for a content and for a user, by cumulating the participations of several swipers [CUMULATION OF PARTICIPATION TO SEVERAL SWIPERS]

Variables related to all users' choices :

  • swiper_content_name_name_users_X: displays the name associated with a visual, on the result page taking into account the votes of all users combined.

  • swiper_content_users_numberLikes_X: number of "Likes" for a content, all users combined, during the last game played.
    swiper_content_users_numberDislikes_X: number of "Dislikes", for a content, all users combined, during the last game played.
    swiper_content_users_numberSuperLikes_X: number of "Super likes" for content, all users combined, during the last game played.


  • teasing_days: number of days before the campaign starts

  • teasing_hours: number of hours before the campaign starts

  • teasing_minutes: number of minutes before the campaign starts

  • teasing_seconds: number of seconds before the campaign starts

Tiny Wings

  • current_score: current score

  • distance: current distance covered

  • coins: current number of coins caught

  • tinyWings_score: score on the last game played

  • tinyWings_bestScore: user's best score

  • tinyWings_duration: duration

  • tinyWings_totalDistance: total distance covered

  • tinyWings_nCoins: number of coins caught

  • tinyWings_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Tiny Wings (200pts), then a second Tiny Wings (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Tiny Wings 1 & 2, or 300pts


  • current_score: current score on Trivia

  • remaining_time: remaining time

  • good_answers: current number of good answers

  • trivia_score: score on the last game played

  • trivia_good_answers: total number of good answers

  • trivia_score_total: total score

  • trivia_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Trivia (200pts), then a second Trivia (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Trivia 1 & 2, or 300pts


  • votes_[id du candidat]: total number of votes for a candidate

  • votes_[id du candidat]_nb: current number of votes for a candidate (on the Vote page)

  • votes_top_X (X is a number between 1 and 10) : number of votes for a product that is located in position X (for all Vote modules on a campaign)

  • vote_name_position_1: name of the candidate for whom the participant voted first.


  • remaining_time : remaining time

  • current_score : current score on Whack-A-Mole

  • whackamole_bestScore : user's best score on Whack-A-Mole

  • whackamole_score : score on the last Whack-A-Mole game

  • whackamole_duration : duration on Whack-A-Mole

  • whackamole_strokes : total number of strokes on Whack-A-Mole (successful & missed)

  • whackamole_nbHits : number of sucessful hits on the moles

  • whackamole_nbNormal : number of "normal" moles hit

  • whackamole_nbBonus : number of "stronger" moles hit

  • whackamole_nbMalus : number of "malus" moles hit

  • whackamole_nbMiss : number of strokes given without any hit

  • whackamole_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Whack-A-Mole (200pts), then a second Whack-A-Mole (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Whack-A-Mole 1 & 2, or 300pts

Word Search

  • wordsearch_score: score at Word Search

  • wordsearch_duration: duration

  • word_search_total: best score at Word Search

  • wordsearch_nbAttempts: number of attemps

  • wordsearch_wordsFound: number of words found

  • remaining_time: remaining time at Word Search

  • wordsearch_cumulated_score: all the cumulative scores made by a participant on a game (or several games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Word Search (200pts), then a second Word Search (100pts) on the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Word Search 1 & 2, or 300pts

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