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eGift Cards Feature
eGift Cards Feature

The eGift Card feature allows you to sell virtual stored values for your company that can be redeemed online for any of your tours

Blake Pridham avatar
Written by Blake Pridham
Updated over a week ago

The eGift Card feature allows users to sell eGift Cards/Gift Certificates to their Clients. These are online stored values that can then be redeemed online for any offering. 

eGift Cards will act similar to Coupons however there will be a stored value on the gift card, meaning it can me used numerous times until the balance is $0. 

On a purchase of a gift card a confirmation email will be sent with a PDF link including the details of the card and the redemption code to use when redeeming online.  Customers can also print out the PDF gift certificate to bring into the store fore redemption.  Purchase information will be stored in the eGift Card page under the order tab. 

Redemptions can be made on the backend dashboard or on any of the booking plugins. See below for instructions on how to activate and setup the new feature.

Activate Feature

To start setting up your eGift Cards, click the gear icon on the top right, then select settings and you will land on the features page where you can activate eGift Cards.

 Click here for a direct link to the page.

Create eGift Card

To create an eGift Card, head over the the eGift Card tab on the left and under the items tab, click the add button on the right corner.

You will then have 2 steps to setup your eGift Card.

Step 1:  Create your title, description, and set the order you want it to appear in (this is if you have multiple cards that you want displayed in a certain order).

There is a default redemption message to help your users (this will display on the eGift Card PDF). You can edit the content to say whatever you would like and include things like your company website.

Step 2: The Details section is where you can customize the expiry date (if any) and the pricing. Each gift card can have multiple pricing levels or just one per. You can make your eGift Cards the exact same price as your offerings or just put them at set values.

*Note, if you want it to zero our the price of your offerings on your website, make sure the price includes the tax you charge.

Once you have added your pricing levels, click next, view the preview and press save and you are all done!

Purchasing eGift Cards

eGift Cards can be purchased through a button integration on your website or you can manually add a purchase on the backend of the system.

When your customers purchase a eGift Card, they will be asked to enter their contact details, they can customize a message to the person they want to give it to and they can also choose to have the eGift Card sent directly to the person of their choice or just have it sent to their own email.

After a purchase, the purchaser as well as the company will get confirmation emails. If the purchaser selected to have their guest sent an email, they will also receive a confirmation email.

Track eGift Card Purchases/Orders

To track your eGift Card purchases, you can see a list of all orders in the orders tab on the eGift Card page. You can filter by eGift Card type, date or payment method. All orders can also be downloaded to a CSV to make for easy accounting.

If you click view on an order, it will load the order history page, here you can see all the events the eGift has been used to redeem and also the remaining balance on the card. You can easily download both the original and the updated values on the eGift Card as well as resending the confirmation email.

Redeem eGift Card

eGift Cards can be redeemed on any of your booking pages by using the redemption number located on the eGift Card PDF or in the confirmation email.

You can also redeem eGift Cards on the backend of the dashboard when adding bookings. Simply click the eGift Card button when adding a booking and you can search by name or redemption number to locate the eGift Card you want to apply.

Integrating eGift Card Buttons On Your Website

To add your eGift Cards to your website for your customers to book, head over the Get Code section on the left hand navigation and then select the eGift Card Tab. Just like integrating any other plugin, there will be options for the website CMS you have and step by step instructions to get it live. If you run into any issues, send us a message in the in-app chat!

Just like with the other buttons, the button colour is pulled from your Online Booking section within settings, the css for the button can be customized to whatever you would like!

How do fees work?

ABL takes its normal booking fee on a eGift Card sale. This fee is not included in the value of the card that can be redeemed. When a client redeems their eGift Card through your plugins, the normal service fee is removed so that the customer doesn't pay the service fee twice. Essentially, everything is the same as a normal tour booking, the service fee is paid once and the value paid for an eGift Card is the same as the corresponding event.

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