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Guide & Staff Management

This tutorial shows you how to use the Guides feature. This tab allows you to assign staff members to events and track their work history.

Blake Pridham avatar
Written by Blake Pridham
Updated over a week ago

By adding guides to your dashboard, you can send SMS/text messages & emails to remind them about upcoming shifts. The Guides feature is a great tool if you contract seasonal staff or allocate staff members to specific tours. Every time a staff member is assigned to an event, a work history entry is generated within his/her profile. That means tracking hours for payroll becomes a lot easier :)

To activate the feature go to My Account > Features and check the Guides box

How to Add a Guide or Staff Member:

1. Click the Guides tab

2. Click the Add Guide button.

3. Enter the staff member's name, email and cell phone number. 

4. Select the preferred method(s) of communication by checking the boxes

5. Click Save to complete

How to Assign a Guide to an Event:

1. View an event 

2. Enter a staff member's name into the Add a guide field or click Show Available Guides to assign available staff members

How to View Work History & Upcoming Shifts:

1. Click the Guides tab

2. Click the Actions button 

3. Use the drop-down menu to filter between past, current and upcoming events

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