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Online Booking Terms & Cancellation Policy

Upload your custom booking terms or link to your website's terms and upload a custom cancellation or COVID-19 policy

Blake Pridham avatar
Written by Blake Pridham
Updated over a week ago


We have added the ability for you to add more terms and conditions to your booking flow for your clients. You can now upload any policy to display in the booking plugins and confirmation emails for your clients. Additionally, you can force your customers to agree to your terms before they finish their payments.

Upload Custom Booking Terms:

You can activate the booking terms section by heading over to your settings page, then selecting Online Bookings tab and clicking the "Enforce client to agree to terms before processing payment" button in the Custom Booking Terms area.

*Note, when you activate this feature, you clients will be forced to agree to your terms before they can make a payment.

Once that button is selected you will need to add in the title for the terms and you can choose to either have the terms link to a website (Own URL) or upload the terms directly to the booking plugin (uUpload terms).

Both of the options will open a pop-up on the booking page displaying the terms with a button making the customers agree. The submit payment button will be deactivated until the customers click agree.

When a customer clicks on the terms hyperlink it will open a pop-up showing the terms uploaded or URL added and you clients can read and click accept to the terms before completing payment.

The bolded text is your company name and the blue hyperlink text is the title of the terms you uploaded.

Upload Custom Policies:

In addition to the Booking terms, you can upload any policy you want. Whether you want to add Cancellation Policy, Covid Terms or just general notes, you can add whatever makes sense for you.

To activate this area, head over to your settings page, then select Online Bookings tab and clicking the "Display The Cancellation Policy"

Once the button is activated you can upload any custom title and custom description. This section will display on the right side of the checkout pages and will also be included in the booking confirmation email. Once you upload everything, make sure to press save on the bottom of the page and your policies will be immediately live on the booking page.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to or through your in-app chat.

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