Having the correct equipment in healthcare is vital to ensuring accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and overall patient safety. Proper medical tools and devices enable healthcare professionals to perform procedures with precision and efficiency, reducing the risk of errors and complications. High-quality equipment also supports the monitoring of patient conditions, allowing for timely interventions and improved outcomes. Moreover, it fosters a safe working environment for healthcare providers, minimizing the risk of injury or infection. Thus, investing in the right equipment is essential for delivering high standards of care to applicants.
Medical Equipment
Vision Testing
Hanks Near Vision Chart and Snellan Eye Chart
KINNECT use the 3 Meter Snellan chart for Far Vision Acuity– if you use the 6 Meter chart ensure you modify the paperwork.
KINNECT use the Hanks Near Vision chart for NEAR VISUAL ACUITY
Quiet room or sound booth
Daily calibrated Audiometry machine
Percentage hearing loss calculator if using paperwork (Carelever Forms have the functionality to pre-populate this data for you)
3L Spirometer Calibration Syringe
Ventolin and inhaler
Single use spirettes / mouthpieces / nose clips
CMWHS Spirometry
The standards of delivery of Spirometry for Coal Mine Workers or the Resource Sector are very strict to ensure the quality of the testing is maintained at a very high level. This involves:
The spirometer must meet ATS/ERS requirements
Single use spirettes / mouthpieces / nose clips
Access to local atmospheric gauge including temperature and humidity on the day of testingDaily calibration log of the spirometer (or as per the manufacturers guidelines) using a 3 litre calibration syringe certified as being accurate to ATS/ERS specifications annually
Stadiometer and scales for determining height and weight. These must be verified each year as being accurate
Monthly biological control monitoring log to be maintained once the calculated normal ranges are recorded
Cleaning log as per the manufacturer’s recommendation
Equipment history log including any changes to hardware / software and reference equations
Preventative maintenance log
Medical Examination
BP Cuff
Blood Pressure Machine
Drug and Alcohol Screening
Breathalyser disposable mouth pieces
Urine testing cup
Saliva drug test kit
Urinalysis strip (include test pads for protein, blood, leukocytes, nitrate, glucose, ketone, pH, specific gravity, bilirubin and urobilinogen. Or any combination of the above.)
Adulterant checking card
Suitable toilet facilities
Prepared collection site
Chain of custody forms
Quantisal saliva confirmation test kits for LCMS
Adequate stocks of unexpired vaccines (diluents if applicable)
2mL syringes
Standard vaccination needles (23 gauge, 25mm in length)
Drawing up needles (18 gauge)
Cotton wool balls
Kidney dish or other suitable container for drawn up vaccine
Disposable gloves in appropriate sizes
Digital thermometers
Optional rewards e.g. stickers, stamps etc.
Waste Disposal Equipment
Sharps containers (one per vaccinator)
Containers for infectious waste (i.e. non sharps)
Containers for general waste
Rubbish bags
Respirator Fit Testing
Masks (reusable or disposable)
Isopropyl Alcohol
Storage cap
Salt Tablets
Zero Check HEPA Filter
Alcohol Cartridge and Fill Capsule
Adapters (dependent on masks being tested)
Alcohol Wicks
USB computer cable
iPad / Microsoft Surface
Mobile phone / Stop watch
Blood pressure machine
Spare batteries
Blood pressure cuffs
Waist tape measure
Weighing scales
Tape measure
Grip strength dynamometer
HR monitor and chest strap
Functional testing box
RPE scale chart
Weights up to 40kg
Skin Checks
Pen Torch (welch Allyn) / Auroscope (Heine)
Dermatoscope (if available)
Clear ruler
Pens/ Pencil/ Rubber