What does it do?
The QuickBooks Online integration was created to automatically upload transactions to a newly created CPACharge Clearing account making deposit reconciliation with CPACharge easier than ever before.
Let us know how the QuickBooks Online Integration is working for you by sending feedback and questions to quickbooksfeedback@cpacharge.com.
Watch our quick video to get started. Complete integration steps below.
How to integrate
Log in to your CPACharge account and click on the name in the upper right corner. From the dropdown menu, click the new Connections option. If prompted, log in to the Connections Manager using your CPACharge login information.
Once the Connections manager page loads, click Connect to QuickBooks and log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
Select the start date for the transactions that you’d like uploaded to QuickBooks Online and click on the toggles for the accounts that you’d like to have transactions uploaded.
Your CPACharge account is now successfully integrated with QuickBooks Online
Upon successful integration, CPACharge transactions will be uploaded automatically to the newly created CPACharge Clearing account by the following day.
How to Reconcile
With transactions automatically being uploaded to the newly created CPACharge Clearing account located in your Chart of Accounts, it’s necessary to categorize the deposits located in the bank feed as CPACharge Clearing.
First, navigate to the bank feed by clicking on Banking from the options provided on the left menu bar and select the account where your CPACharge deposits are uploaded from your bank.
Categorize each deposit located in the bank feed associated with CPACharge to the CPACharge Clearing account.
With transactions and bank deposits now categorized to the CPACharge Clearing account, you can begin the reconciliation process. Navigate back to the CPACharge Clearing account and click on the Reconcile button located in the top right corner.
On the reconciliation screen, select the transactions associated with the deposits that you categorized from the bank feed and click Finish Now.
With reconciliation now complete you’ll see an “R” in the column to the right of the Deposit amounts.
Advanced Usage
Automatic categorization of CPACharge Credit Card Deposits in Bank Feed
To automate the categorization of your bank feed credit card deposits to the CPACharge Clearing account, consider creating a “Rule” that will categorize and add the deposit to the CPACharge Clearing account. Here’s how:
Navigate to the Bank Feed in QuickBooks Online where your CPACharge deposits are uploaded from your bank and select the Rules tab towards the top of the page and click New Rule located in the top right corner.
It is recommended to name the the Rule: CC Deposit - CPACharge Clearing to make it clear what the rule does. The following categorization for the below fields is recommended as well:
Apply this to transactions that are: Money In in All bank accounts
Include the following: Bank text Contains "Deposit Merch Svc"
Then Assign:
Transaction type: Deposit
Category: CPACharge Clearing
With this rule created, the deposits associated with credit card transactions in your bank feed will automatically be categorized to the CPACharge Clearing account.
Automatic categorization of CPACharge eCheck Deposits in Bank Feed
To automate the categorization of CPACharge eCheck deposits in addition to credit card deposits in your bank feed, you’ll create an additional rule.
It is recommend naming the rule: “eCheck Deposit - CPACharge Clearing” to make it clear what the rule does.The following categorization for the below fields is recommended as well:
Apply this to transactions that are: Money In in All bank accounts
Include the following: Bank text Contains "Deposit CPACharge"
Then assign:
Transaction type: Deposit
Category: CPACharge Clearing
With this rule created, the deposits associated with eCheck transactions in your bank feed will automatically be categorized to the CPACharge Clearing account.
Quick tip: To further automate deposits being added to the CPACharge Clearing account, toggle the Auto-add switch located at the bottom of the rule creation page.
CPACharge Uploaded Transaction Categorization
Transactions uploaded from CPACharge to the CPACharge Clearing account will be categorized in QuickBooks Online as Uncategorized Income to assist in the generation of revenue reports.
What Does It Not Do?
Invoice reconciliation is not currently included in this version. Let us know that you’d like that feature added by sending feedback to quickbooksfeedback@cpacharge.com.