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Add new application
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 7 months ago

Add new app

To start working with Affise Attribution, you need to add an application you want to track.

  1. Go to Attribution > Applications and click Add new app.

  2. In the appeared window, select a store for your app: Play market, Appstore, or Alternative market.
    To add an APK file, select No market APK.

  3. Select the application status:

    • In store: your app is published in the app market. The status can only be used when you select Play market or Appstore.

    • Pending approval / Not published: your app is in the app market, but not live and users can't see it. You can select this status for No market APK.

    • Not published APK: you have an APK file not added to the app market. You can select this status for No market APK.

    Screen Recording 2022-11-25 at PM

    If you chose the Alternative market, on this step, you need to select the exact market: Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi.

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    1. Insert the app link: add a link to your app in the market. - For the In store status only.

      The link format should be the following:

    2. Upload APK file: click the button to add an APK file from your device. - For the Not published APK status only.

    3. Insert package name / ID: add the package name (application ID) of your app.

    4. Logo: click Upload logo to add a logo for your app. Available formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF. The maximum logo size is 5 Mb.

    5. Application name: add the name of your application. This name is further displayed in the applications list.

    6. Optional. Description: add a description of your app.

    7. Timezone: select the timezone for your app.

    8. Currency: select the currency from your active ones set up in Settings > Content > Currencies.

🔎 When you add a link for an in-store app, the ID, logo, app name, and description are added automatically from the store.

5. Click Add new app to save the app.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail:

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