Premium members can add up to 10 different questions or disclosure statements. Here's how:
First, navigate to your Listings, select More Actions for a specific listing, and then Pre-screening Settings
Scroll down to the Custom Questions and Disclosures section and select + Add Question.
Then, you can add the following types of customized fields:
Text entry: Ask an open-ended question with a text field for the renter to respond to.
Select one: Ask a question with possible answers that you specify. Renters can only select one answer (such as a Yes/No question).
Select multiple: Another question type with available answers that you provide, but renters could select multiple answers that apply to them.
Disclosure statement: Add this to provide information to a renter before they apply. These could be short statements, or longer legal disclosures.
When you save these settings for any listing, you have the option to apply the same settings to all of your listings - simply check "Apply changes to all listings"
All renters will be required to answer these questions when they apply. The questions will not be applied retroactively to renters who already submitted an application to you.