Triggers enable you to segment your customers and display a customized set of widgets for each of them. By using triggers, you can design more precise and personalized widgets:
The Product Trigger works by displaying the widget only if the customer has purchased a specific product.
Specific products:
Use this option for individual products or variants. Select the products you want to trigger the widget. When a customer purchases any of these products, the widget will appear.
Specific collections:
This option works when any item in the cart belongs a specific collection. Select the collection you want to trigger the widget. When a customer purchases any item from the collection, the widget will appear.
You can set the product/collection trigger to show for all customers or conditionally based on the following criteria:
Contains at least one of:
Shows the widget if the cart contains at least one of the selected products/collections.
2. Does not contain any of:
Shows the widget if the cart does not contain any of the selected products/collections.
Quantity of specific product:
For example, 2 or more of a specific product
Set the trigger to show the widget if a customer purchases two or more of a specific product.
The combined value of all items before discounts, tax, and shipping.
The total number of items in the cart.
Subscription purchase:
Indicates if any item in the cart is a subscription.
Applied discount titles:
Verify if a specific discount is applied during checkout
Discount value:
Track the total sum of discounts applied at checkout
Shipping country:
Target specific shipping destinations
Customer language:
Display personalized content based on the customer's language.
For example, show French content exclusively to French-speaking customers.
You can set the customer language trigger to "is French" and translate all editable fields in the widget to French.
Group of triggers:
Combine multiple triggers for complex logic
For example, show a widget if a customer has both product X and product Y in their cart.
You can set the product trigger condition to contain both product X and product Y, so the widget will appear accordingly.