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Connect Yelp Ads

How to connect your Yelp Ads account to your AgencyAnalytics dashboard

Mikel avatar
Written by Mikel
Updated over a month ago

Yelp Ads

With the AgencyAnalytics Yelp Ads integration, you can easily build a dashboard or automated report to understand your client's ad performance, optimize ad spend, and improve their online presence.

API and Data Access

Click here to view all available Yelp Ads metrics and learn what's possible with the integration!

πŸ”Œ Connect Yelp Ads

To avoid a failed connection or error when integrating Yelp Ads to a Client, the person connecting must have:

If the above requirements are met, simply follow these steps to connect:

  1. Open the Client where you'd like to connect Yelp Ads.

  2. Click Integrations (plug icon) on the left side menu.

  3. Search for Yelp Ads in the upper right search box or by scrolling through the integrations, then click the Yelp Ads card.

  4. Click Connect New Account, or if you've previously connected to Yelp Ads, click the gray Connect New Account button below the connections list to add a new connection.

Enter the username, password, and business IDs (comma-separated) for your Yelp Ads account. If you're entering multiple business IDs, separate them with a comma and no space.

Once you enter your credentials and hit "Save," your client's Yelp Ads account(s) will be connected to AgencyAnalytics.

❓ Yelp Ads FAQ

How do I get Partner API credentials for Yelp Ads?

Please contact Yelp Ads support and ask to be on their partner program. They will provide Partner API access credentials in the form of username and password. These usernames usually end in _reporting (for example "user123_reporting") or @agency (for example "user123@seoagency").

πŸ’¬ Need additional help?

If you have any questions, please contact our friendly support team by following these instructions! We're available 24/5 to help πŸ˜„

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