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Instagram on Digital Packages
Instagram on Digital Packages
Updated over a week ago


All campaigns that include Facebook, will also include Instagram whether the client has an Instagram page or not.

How Instagram and Facebook works and how I can get my ads on Instagram.

With every Facebook campaign, we start with 3 ad designs featuring 3 different property images. We start the campaign by running ads across Facebook and Instagram network, which means that ads could appear within Facebook and Instagram feed, Facebook marketplace, messenger and within articles. As the campaign progresses and we have results, more budget will be moved to the best performing platform to get more results. This is what’s referred to as optimizing the campaign.

Why do we include Instagram if they don’t perform as well as Facebook overall?

While Instagram clicks are more expensive and don’t perform as well as Facebook, at Campaigntrack, we believe in the multi-channel approach and Instagram could attract the right potential buyer. Plus, Instagram generally appeals to a younger audience so for first home buyers in their 20s, they may not see a Facebook ad but will see Instagram.

How do we run Instagram campaigns?

Facebook owns Instagram so we activate Instagram placement through the Facebook platform. The Facebook budget is shared with Instagram. At the beginning of the campaigns, we will run ads in multiple placements throughout Facebook and Instagram.

  • Facebook Newsfeed

  • Facebook side panel

  • Within articles and videos

  • Within messenger

  • Instagram newsfeeds.

What about Facebook or Insta stories?

We do not do Facebook or Insta stories as the portrait shape does not work with our ads at this stage.

How do ads appear in Instagram newsfeed?

The creative will look the same as the Facebook ads.

Client has Instagram account.

If a client does have an Instagram account, it will already be linked via their Facebook account and ads will be posted from their Instagram account. Ads are directed to the property page.

Client does not have an Instagram account.

If a client does NOT have an Instagram account, Instagram will create a temporary account so that it looks like they do. Ads are directed to the property page. If a user clicks on the profile photo or page name, they will be directed to the Facebook page.

If a client does not want Instagram ads.

It is programmed in so we recommend clients from opting out. It’s a multi-channel approach; a channel which appeals to a different audience so will increase exposure for property, agent and office. Plus, as we auto-optimize, the campaigns will skew more to Facebook so they get results. The lion’s share of budget will always go to Facebook.

Report does not include impressions and clicks for Instagram.

It’s grouped with Facebook in their report. This may change but for now, given the low percentage of budget we usually spend on Instagram.

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