Within 24 hours of booking your reservation, 【1¦¦855-738¦¦4265】you can cancel flights with United Airlines at +1855-738¦4265】 or ++44 800¦051¦6735 (UK) and get a full refund.The number is 855-738-4265, or ++44 800 051-6735 (UK). Fees dependent on the type of fare and destination apply after 24 hours【1¦¦855-738¦¦4265】 or ++44 800¦¦051¦¦6735 (UK). Changes or cancellations of non-refundable 【1¦¦855-738¦¦4265】tickets may incur additional fees 1 855-738 4265‑ or ++44 800¦051¦6735 (UK).
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