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Prohibited items

List of items you are not allowed to send via our platform

Isa Carbonell avatar
Written by Isa Carbonell
Updated over 2 months ago

Can I send firearms or any related items through Airpals Technologies Inc.?

No, sending firearms, weapons, ammunition, and their parts through Airpals Technologies Inc. or its partnered couriers is strictly prohibited.

Are there any restrictions on sending food or beverages?

Yes, highly perishable food or beverages must be notified in advance to our Customer Support Team. We can do our best to accommodate them at your own risk. However, the items must be properly packaged for transport, as Airpals cannot be held liable for any damages or deterioration.

You can reach out to our Customer Support Line via text or call at 929-203-8621, or if you prefer, contact us through live chat or email at

Can I send money, gift cards, or lottery tickets using Airpals Technologies Inc.?

No, sending money, gift cards, lottery tickets, or transferable securities through Airpals Technologies Inc. is not allowed.

What is the policy on sending recreational drugs or tobacco products?

Recreational drugs, drug paraphernalia, and tobacco products are prohibited from being sent through Airpals Technologies Inc.

Are there any restrictions on hazardous items?

Yes, dangerous or hazardous items, including explosives, poisonous or flammable substances, and materials identified in the Hazardous Materials Table in 49 CFR section 172.101, are prohibited.

Can I send fragile items through Airpals Technologies Inc.?

We will do our best to accommodate special requests such as fragile items at your own risk. However, the items must be properly packaged for transport, as Airpals cannot be held liable for any damages.

Can I send obscene or pornographic material?

No, obscene or pornographic material, including sexual aids, cannot be sent through Airpals Technologies Inc.

Can I send live animals or regulated species?

No, sending livestock, regulated species (e.g., noxious weeds, prohibited seeds), or animal parts, blood, or fluids is not permitted.

What if I don't have permission to send an item?

You must have permission to send any item from the recipient. Sending items without proper authorization is prohibited.

Are there any other items that are prohibited from being sent through Airpals Technologies Inc.?

Yes, any items that are reasonably likely to be perceived by the recipient as threatening or harassing are prohibited. Additionally, Airpals Technologies Inc. retains the discretion to prohibit other items not listed explicitly.

What happens if I attempt to send a prohibited item?

If you attempt to send a prohibited item, Airpals Technologies Inc. has the right to inspect the package and take corrective actions, including suspending or terminating your account and reporting to local authorities.

* Disclaimer: Make sure to review our complete Terms & Conditions for reference:

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