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Why isn't my API traffic showing up?
Why isn't my API traffic showing up?

I am running the Akita agent, but the Akita agent is not seeing my traffic.

Mark Gritter avatar
Written by Mark Gritter
Updated over a week ago

You've set up the Akita agent and you've been running API traffic across the network, but your API model page is either empty, or shows random endpoints you don't care about.

Common issues with the Akita agent

Here are a few things that may be going on:

  • Permissions issues that prevent the Akita agent from seeing traffic.

  • Encrypted traffic. (See here for solutions.)

  • Data formats that the Akita agent doesn't recognize.

In many of these cases, there is a solution. In the following cases, there isn't (yet) a great solution:

  • Encrypted traffic.

  • gRPC/GraphQL.

  • PaaS platforms where Akita can't easily get at traffic. Known platforms in this category are Heroku and Render.

These are on the roadmap, but we're not there yet. If you fall into one of these cases, please feel free to reach out so you can be the first to know when we're ready.

How to tell if you've run into one of these issues

Below we have more information about how to debug what's going on. You will need to run CLI v0.12.10 or above to get:

  • Diagnostic information in the CLI itself.

  • Information about encrypted traffic and errors in the Akita app.

Check your agent output

If your traffic is getting jammed up in a way that the Akita agent recognizes, your CLI will contain error output describing what's gone wrong. If you would like help resolving your issues, feel free to directly email your log output to

Check Akita's in-app diagnostics

Issues with traffic processing will also show up in the "Diagnostics" tab of the Akita app. If you navigate to this tab, it may be able to shed some insight about what's going on with your traffic.

What to do next?

The best case for you is that there are simple permissions issues that are clear to resolve. If this happens, we are very happy for you!

If you've read all the way to here, it's probably not surprising to you that this best case also rarely happens. Feel free to reach out to us through the Intercom chat or through the Akita Community Slack.

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