Let’s get you started with your first domino… the daily sticky.
One moment of reflection each day can create a keystone habit* of focusing on what matters.
Here’s how…👇
In the dizzying array of daily demands, taking one moment to ask yourself…
‘What’s the most important thing I need to do today?’
…cuts through the noise of being busy and reactive, and gives you a super-like power to identify and focus on what truly matters.
But that’s not all… simply writing down your goals each day increases your likelihood of success! 🎯
In a study with 267 professionals
62% of people who wrote down their goals achieved them (or were at least halfway there)
76% of people who wrote their goals, committed to action steps, and shared their progress with a friend, achieved their goals (or were at least halfway there).
THIS is the power of alignd.
Ever Forward, The Alignd Team
*HUGE shout out to Charles Duhigg - The Power of Habit
and James Clear - Atomic Habits