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Work with capacity allocations: edit, track time, duplicate, delete
Work with capacity allocations: edit, track time, duplicate, delete
Alexandra Gallisová avatar
Written by Alexandra Gallisová
Updated over 4 months ago

In the allocation overview, you can access essential details such as related projects, budget items, tasks, duration, tracked and planned time, location, notes, the allocation creator, and the date of creation by clicking on the allocation.

Allfred provides you with a comprehensive set of actions for managing your capacity allocations:

1) Edit

  • Easily adjust allocation durations by extending or reducing them in 15-minute intervals through simple drag-and-drop. Allfred automatically updates the total plannable time for each user, ensuring your plans remain accurate and efficient.

  • To modify other allocation details such as repetition, creator, note, or location, use the edit button (pencil icon). In case of repeating allocations you have the option to edit only the required allocation, all allocations for "this day all users" or all occurrences.

  • To reassign an allocation to another user, simply utilize the drag-and-drop option to transfer it between users or from one week to another.

2) Track Time:

Allfred offers various methods for tracking time:

  • Play Button: Start the timer by clicking the play button. After completing the task, click on the pause button. Allfred will automatically record the elapsed time. You can resume time tracking using the play button if needed.
    (Note: Sometimes, refreshing the planning page may be necessary to view the tracked time.)

  • Clock Icon: If you want to track time for an allocation partially because you plan to return to the task, use the clock icon. Insert the number of hours you wish to track. In this case, the allocation is not marked as complete.

  • Complete Button: Use the complete button to mark the allocation as finished. Allfred will track the same amount of time as originally planned.

3) Duplicate

  • Use the duplicate option to create a copy of an allocation. Allfred will open a modal window with allocation details, allowing you to make adjustments as needed.

  • you can choose to duplicate only a specific allocation or all recurring occurrences.

4) Delete

  • To remove an allocation, click on the delete button (bin icon).

  • You have the option to delete a specific allocation, this day all users or all recurring occurrences.

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