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All Collections Planning
A Quick Guide to Understanding Project Planning Features
A Quick Guide to Understanding Project Planning Features
Alexandra Gallisová avatar
Written by Alexandra Gallisová
Updated over a year ago

Allfreds Planning is designed to enhance productivity and planning in your agency. With intuitive views for both individual and team capacities and an in-depth overview of tracked time, Allfred ensures that your creative team can focus on what they do best while you handle the logistics seamlessly. Lets dive deeper to key features:

Detailed Allocation Management

Efficiently plan your team's workload and your own tasks with Allfred's capacity allocation feature. Set up allocations for tasks, meetings, time-offs, and home office days, ensuring that every aspect of your schedule is meticulously organized. This tool allows for the creation of both repetitive and team-specific allocations. You can add personal notes, meeting links or setting precise deadlines.

Check allocation details like related project, budget item, task, duration, tracked and planned time, meetings location, note, the allocation creator, or the date of creation by clicking on Info icon.

Mark capacities as complete using the Complete button, track time with Clock button, start the timer with the Play button, view task details with the Task icon, and perform actions like edit, duplicate, or delete on capacity allocations.

Personalized Weekly Planning and Team Capacity Filters

Users can see their own capacity allocations for whole week, with days displayed horizontally for a clearer perspective. In the calendar, you can select the starting day for "My Week", allowing you to prepare your capacity well in advance.

Just like "My Week", the "Teams view" offers several filters to streamline capacity management. This means you can manage the capacities filtered by teams, roles, specific users, and clients or even by Tasks status, deadlines, or tasks priorities.

Capacity Overview

Allfred smartly indicates if users are overplanned, at their max capacity, or available for more tasks. We know that every minute counts in the creative world, so you can plan and track your members' capacities down to the minute.

Display of Non-Working Days

Public holidays and weekends are now displayed grey, you can also plan capacities for these off days if needed.

Total tracked time overview

To provide you with a comprehensive overview of all tracked hours in one place, we offer a "total tracked time" button in Planning. This button displays the total hours you have tracked during the day, relative to the total number of hours set as plannable time at the user level.

Clicking on this button opens a window to find a summary of all tracked hours for the day. If you tracked hours via allocations in the planning section, the time entry will be accompanied by a calendar icon. The time entry will feature a clock icon if you recorded hours using a timer or the Time section.

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