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What is Watchdog?

Set an alarm when data from device doesn't arrive to the ATT Maker

Omar Cruz avatar
Written by Omar Cruz
Updated over a week ago

The app will notify you when a device has stopped working or is not hitting data for some time. Users can adjust the hanging period โ€” expected time-span between two data hits.ย 

Most IoT devices fail because there is no warning if data has not arrived to the Cloud (or any other online data storage). Imagine that you have an IoT device for flood detection in your home and you think everything is now secured once you bought this little device to alarm you. After all, flood can cause major costs if there are ceiling breaches and water pours down in the neighbour's apartment... No one wants that to happen, the costs of repairing the flood cause are already enough.

Therefore, we have developed an alarm that will notify you if data has not been received from your IoT device.ย 

Turn on watchdog with predefined timeout

  • Choose a predefined timeout (5', 30', 60', etc.)

  • Then the watchdog starts running

  • And a virtual asset is created

Turn off watchdog

  • Choose to turn off watchdog

  • Watchdog stops running

  • And virtual asset is deleted

  • (If the notification rule has been created, then the notification rule is deleted)

Choose to get notified

  • Through Web notification, E-mail or Push notifications

The image below shows how Watchdog works in tested use-case. Similar is in the Maker smartphone application.

Devices that have applied the watchdog

  • It shows on devices page

  • You can see all the devices which have watchdog turned on

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