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How Do Alva's Personality Profiles Work?
How Do Alva's Personality Profiles Work?

The scoring behind Alva's Personality profiles.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Alva's Personality Profile help you mechanically evaluate how well personality results match the role that you are hiring for. In this article, we'll learn how the percentage score is calculated.

Reminder - What Is a Personality Profile?

A Personality profile represents a combination of personality facets. Each facet is given its own importance (weight) that helps determine how much that particular facet contributes to the overall matching score.

How Are Scores Calculated?

In short, a candidate's match towards a Personality profile are calculated using a logistic function. This means is that percentage result follows what looks a bit like an s-curve.

Take a look at the graph below. The y-axis represents the matching percentage, the x-axis represents the score on one scale in in the Personality profile.

For very high and very low scores, the curve flattens out. This means that the more extreme the scores become, the smaller the percentage difference is. The difference between two candidates with scores of 9 and 10 would only be a few percentage points.

For scores around the average, 4 to 7, the curve is much steeper. As a consequence, the percentage difference between a candidate scoring a 5 to a 6 is much larger.

The Benefits

Personality profiles are simple, effective, and match findings from research very well.

  • You get a high level of granularity when comparing candidates. Making it easier to distinguish the top-performers even when many candidates have similar results.

  • Score differences between very high or very low results aren't exaggerated. The difference in performance between two candidates, where one scores 9 and the other 10 is likely not very significant. Using this model, their overall Role Fit will be similar but not the same, allowing an informed decision to be made.

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