How to Keyswap an AMBR
Sebastien Gouin-Davis avatar
Written by Sebastien Gouin-Davis
Updated over a week ago

If an AMBR is no longer functioning and needs to be RMA'd, follow these steps to ensure that a new AMBR can easily replace the old one without any missing data.


1. Is the failed ambr a Child or Master?

  • Child Ambrs can be shipped as-is, when onsite, use the Ambr app to give the child the profile of the Ambr it is replacing.

  • Master Ambr with recoverable backup archive see Step 2 Automatic Method

  • Master Ambr with unrecoverable backup archive see Step 3 Manual Method( version older than 8.4)

A. Acquire the backup archive ( of the Ambr that failed in one of these two ways:

  • Use the Ambr app info tab and download the “System Report”

  • Disassemble the failed Ambr, and recover the “System Report” from the backups folder on the sd card

  • If the backup archive of the failed device cannot be acquired see “manual method.

B. Restore the backup archive from the failed Ambr into the new Ambr buy using the restore option found in the right hamburger of the Config Tab

3. Manual Method

  • Acquire and note the SiteID of the project

  • Acquire the VPNID of the new Ambr. If the Ambr is new, its first 3 characters of the AMBR Device ID printed on the label abc00f is the VPNID.

  • Log into hal and run

sudo ./ key [SiteID] destination [VpnID]

For example, if the Device ID on the label of a new Ambr is Device ID: e7400f and the siteID of the failed master Ambr is 0x103 We would run

sudo ./ key 0x103 destination 0xe47
  • For the web app to load we need to generate a certificate. Ask Christain to “AMBR Webserver Cert (replace the contents of /root/ca/private with the appropriate cert for the ambr you are keyswapping to - without this the app will never load)”

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