When you're done with a transaction, you can easily request a PDF containing all of the emails that are part of your Smart Folder. You'll be able to download the file and store it wherever you need.
How to download a PDF (Outlook and Web users)
Visit your homepage
Find the Smart Folder that you want the PDF for
Click the three-dot menu at the end of the Smart Folder row, and select "Download emails as PDF"
Within 24 hours, you'll receive an email with a link to the PDF
How to download a PDF using the Chrome extension (Gmail)
In Gmail, select your Smart Folder
Find the 3-dot menu button on the top right of the sidebar and then click on "Download emails as PDF".
Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with a link to the PDF file.
Important notes
The PDF does not include any attachments included in your emails.
Add folio@amitree.com and folio-notifications@amitree.com to your contacts to help ensure that you receive our emails.
Frequently asked questions
Some of my emails are missing
Folio will only capture emails that are in the Smart Folder. If an important email is missing, make sure it's in the folder. You can manually move missing emails into the folder and then download the PDF again.
Emails that were forwarded to your inbox will only show the top of the thread and the first response. It will not include the whole thread.
It's been over 24 hours, and I have not received the PDF email
A few scenarios could be impacting the delivery of your PDF.
Check your spam or trash folders to verify the email did not end up there.
If you changed your email password recently, try logging into Folio again, and re-download
If the above does not help, contact support@amitree.com for further assistance.
I can't find the Folio sidebar button
Are you viewing Gmail on Google Chrome with the Folio extension installed?
Visit https://www.amitree.com/folio and request it via the menu button.
The link does not work
Verify when the email was received, as the link is only valid for seven days. Download a new PDF if the link has expired.
I got a warning that the email contains a virus
Due to the nature of the email and the link to a PDF, some antivirus software may consider the email to be malicious.
We commonly see this happen with Avast Antivirus. Consider adding Folio as an exemption.