We are sorry to hear you are having issues with placing an order on amouage.com.
If you are stuck on the shipment page, and can't go through to the next stage in the order process, then please check the following steps which will hopefully help you resolve this issue so that you can complete your order:
Check you selected the correct location you are shipping to on the location dropdown, at the top of the website:
Then check the website URL to ensure the correct location is also shown within the URL too. For example, for the UK website, the URL would be: https://www.amouage.com/uk/, UAE would be: https://www.amouage.com/uae/, for the US it would be: https://www.amouage.com/us/ and for EU locations: https://www.amouage.com/eu/ or https://www.amouage.com/euro/.
When adding your shipping address, please make sure the location and URL are matching this.
Finally, please check here to make sure you are using a payment method that is accepted on our website to place your order.
If you still have issues with placing an order, please email us or contact us via Live Chat on the website.
Customer Care Email: customerservice@amouage.com