Users can now take actions directly from a document (e.g. send a message, send an invite to complete a questionaire, or book an appointment) by accessing the actions tab. Doc proc only customers will have access to sending messages to patients, while the full set of actions will be available to Anima Core users.
Signing off requests
Fix for occasional 'broken images' in patient requests due to an unsupported image format
Allow selection of minor as well as major problems when signing off requests or documents
Fix for an unnecessary task being created when sending appointment self-booking invitations during sign-off
Fix for the snippet menu extending off-screen in the patient messaging screen
Patient Questionnaires
Routine medical requests. We have added a new setting to allow patients to submit 'routine' medical requests when the daily limit is reached. However, before submitting a request they will need to answer a screening question and acknowledge a statement which can be customized.
New Organisation Setting to optionally disable automatic redirection to local services
Update to CTV3 mapping for PCOS
Patient counters
Improved patient counter consistency across multiple areas of the platform
Fix for occasional issue with appointment invitations not loading in the patient's interface