###### Appointments and contact patients overhaul
We have started an initiative to improve the experience when contacting patients and sending appointment invites. This release includes the first iteration. Notable changes:
New styling throughout the contact patients and appointment invite views.
Both views are more consistent in features and looks between each other.
Appointment filter presets are now available in appointment invite as well.
This is only the first step on the way. More features and even better looks is coming soon.
###### Translation of DAGs
Patients can now view and answer the medical questionnaire in the following languages by updating user settings:
The English translation of answers provided by the user will appear for the clinics users. Translation of complete patients app is coming soon.
###### Force slots update
When forcing appointment slots update, previously only new slots were fetched. This now also removes slots booked or removed outside of Anima.
###### Bug fixes
Fix for rare issue of patient photos being duplicated
Fix spelling mistake in dizziness questionnaire
Fix spelling mistake in general patient questions
Fix trailing full stop in a contact patients modal
Updates to various GP practice names