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AiQ Bidder Engagement Score
AiQ Bidder Engagement Score

The AiQ Bidder Engagement Score provides additional insights into the behaviour of bidders in the Room.

Ciara Martin avatar
Written by Ciara Martin
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️This feature is only accessible to Admins and Viewers.

Ansarada's AiQ Bidder Engagement Score uses AI technology to determine whether your bidders' behavioural patterns match up with those of other successful bidding parties.

This machine learning algorithm has been trained and tested on thousands of Ansarada deals, giving you the advantage of insights to assist you during a deal.

Don't just go with your gut feel, get the deal facts faster. Eliminate manual calculations through a variety of different reports.

Go to meetings prepared, knowing who's interested and engaging in your deal, so you can stay in control of your transaction.

Factors involved

There are 57 attributes used to determine bidders' behaviour in the Room. These features are grouped into 17 categories:

  • Logins

  • Document Views

  • Questions Asked

  • Number of Users Added

  • Individuals Logging In

  • C-Suite Document Views

  • CFO Document Views

  • CEO Document Views

  • Weekend Document Views

  • Early Morning Document Views

  • Variability in Document Views

  • Proportion of Documents Viewed

  • Documents Bulk Downloaded

  • Time taken to view new documents

  • Strategic vs Financial Bidder

  • Time between document views

  • Time between logins

⚠️Good to know: Only data that is in the Room will affect the AiQ Bidder Engagement Score. We recommend the use of Q&A within the Room, and Security controls on your documents, to get a better gauge of bidder activity. Learn more about Q&A here, and Security here.

Training our model

The AiQ Bidder Engagement Score model was developed using anonymous, historic Ansarada data. This data is based on bidders' behaviours in the Room, using the patterns of successful and unsuccessful parties. The machine learning algorithm pinpoints certain actions (from the 57 attributes) in the Room that lead to a high or low engagement from bidders.


At Ansarada, the security of your data is our number one priority. That's why strict confidentiality around customer data from the Rooms has been maintained throughout the development of this product. No private, proprietary, confidential or strategic information can be extracted from this data.


By day 7, the model is up to 97% accurate at predicting whether a bidder will complete their due diligence work and submit an offer to the seller. This accuracy rate has been calculated on a sample of our historic deals for which we have the most accurate information. The methodology used was to look at bidders with an AiQ Bidder Engagement Score above 50% at day 7 and assess the proportion that ended up remaining engaged throughout the process and did not drop out prior to the binding bid date. 

⚠️Good to know: If your bidders' have a low score there may be several factors contributing to this. Learn more here.

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