The APEX:E3 innovation.
Traditional trading strategies use market indicators such as Moving Average Convergence & Divergence, Moving Average, Relative Strength Index and Slow Stochastic.
We believe analysing order books across multiple exchanges can provide new, valuable trading indicators. Order books represent the interest of buyers and sellers in a particular financial instrument. Traditional exchange order books are made of real-time lists of buys and sells, fulfilled using a matching engine.
We collect order book data from multiple Digital Asset exchanges covering over five thousand markets. This data is processed and analysed by our Classification Engine, providing real-time information about the liquidity and volatility of assets trading in the market.
For example, when traders submit relatively large orders, it provides a signal of market sentiment. This new signal is in advance of traditional indicators which are generated after a trade executes. Making observations on buy and sell orders across a number of exchanges and thousands of markets can offer new insights for traders to actively trade around. Providing these additional indicators and features to analyse this data is independently valuable. Combining these indicators with our upcoming execution, backtesting and alerts features should provide further functionality for users of our multi-asset platform, to develop more profitable trading strategies.
Order book analytics give traders an additional quantitative edge. At APEX:E3 we are excited to apply this new approach to multiple asset classes.
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Credit: George Lewin-Smith