Liquidity Map
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Written by APEXE3HQ
Updated over a week ago

Volume Order imbalance is a situation resulting from an excess of bid or ask orders for a specific market on a trading exchange. By aggregating bids and asks separately its possible to better understand Volume Order Imbalance. If you take 1 bid and 1 ask you can assess the bid strength by looking at bid_strength=(bid+ask)/bid

Now aggregating 25 bids, 25 asks and then looking at bid_stength provides a much more meaningful context for assessing short term market direction.

The Liquidity Map gives a clear visual representation of aggregated bids and asks for a given market across exchanges. This makes assessing volume order imbalance for a given market much more intuitive and quicker.

Quick-Start: Track BTC USD perp swap ‘grouped by 25 bid/ask depth’ in the Liquidity Map to easily gauge real-time bid strength

  1. Select Markets from the navigation menu

2. in ‘Search Markets’ type in ‘btc usd swap’ and select the option given

3. Select ‘Liquidity Map’ from the Tab below

4. Now you can see the aggregated depth on BitMEX favours the bid side much more strongly than the ask side. This gives an indication that in the short term there is likely to be an up movement in price

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