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Algos - Setup

Describes how to setup Algo trading strategies

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Written by APEXE3HQ
Updated over a year ago

The APEX multi-asset portfolio management and trading platform now supports algorithmic (Algo) position taking and trading.



This new functionality can be accessed from the left hand side menu under the "Algos" section:

Existing users of the platform can click here to securely access the Algos page.

To create a new Algo click on the New + button:


A form will appear, which consists of inputs required by the Algo:

There are 3 types of algos (click on each type for more information and a view on how it works):

All Algos will require:

  • Name - enter a name in the Algo Name input

  • Market - This is the market that will be used to buy from or sell to

    • The first market input can be used to select an exchange:

      • Binance

      • Kraken

      • CoinbasePro

      • Nasdaq

      • NYSE

    • Once the exchange is selected, the second market input will be populated with the USD markets listed on that exchange (A subset of stocks will be displayed for Nasdaq and NYSE)

  • Every Algo must be associated with an existing portfolio. All positions and trades executed by the Algo will be associated with the selected portfolio.

    • Click on the Select a portfolio input and pick a portfolio. (If you have no portfolios, follow these instructions to construct one or more).

  • All Algos execute buying or selling an asset based on specific conditions

    • Conditions may reference variables

    • The values of variables are calculated in real-time by the APEX:E3 Big Data Analytics Architecture

    • Click on the Select variables input to view a list of available variables.

      • You can select one or more variables

      • See here for a list of all variables and their descriptions

  • An Algo will buy if the Buy or Sell of the respective conditions are true

    • The syntax for both conditions is the same

    • See here for a description of the syntax with examples

  • Depending on which type of algo is selected, a Unit Amount maybe required:

  • The unit amount corresponds to how much of an asset is bought (or sold) by the algo. The estimated current dollar value (unit amount * price of asset) is shown below the unit amount input

    • For example, a unit amount of 0.1 will result in the algo buying 0.1 bitcoins, which are currently valued at $1,842.9

    • A unit amount of 100 for Apple will result in the algo buying 100 Apple shares

  • The algo uses the balance (shown above the menu on the left) when buying, resulting in a balance deduction

  • After clicking confirm, the algo will be appear in the My Algos table. Click here for more details and table column definitions

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