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Store Listing: Bulk Editor

Edit app store listing information for all localizations on a single page

Katja Vogrinec avatar
Written by Katja Vogrinec
Updated over a week ago

With the Bulk Editor feature, you can change app store listing information for all localizations by metadata field in one place. This way you don't have to switch between each localization individually when making changes that apply to all localizations. 

By opening the dropdown menu you can select which store listing field you would like to edit.

Editable fields for App Store apps: Name, Subtitle, Promotional Text, Keywords, Description, Release Notes, Privacy Policy URL, Support URL, Marketing URL.

Editable fields for Play Store apps: Title, Short Description, Description.

The selected information is displayed in the table below along with the language and character count for every localization.

Hit the "Save" button in the top right corner to save your changes in App Radar.

Export to App Store Connect and Export to Google Play Store

You can export your app information changes directly into your store by clicking the "Export to App Store Connect" or "Export to Google Play" button. You have to first click "Save" to activate this button. 

After your click "Export to App Store Connect", you have to login to App Store Connect and set your app version to review. However, for Google Play, your changes will be automatically available in Google Play Store within 2 hours.

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