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Store Listing: CSV Upload

How to make changes to your app's metadata with a simple CSV file

Milica Siriski avatar
Written by Milica Siriski
Updated over a week ago

The CSV Upload feature is useful for anyone working with third-parties on their ASO strategy or for those who prefer working on their ASO with an outside document. 

You can make changes to existing app localizations and add new ones by simply uploading a CSV file. You'll be able to review the changes, apply them in App Radar, and then push them directly to Google Play and App Store Connect. 

This feature is found in Optimize Store Listing --> Store Listing--> CSV Upload. 

How Does CSV Upload Work? 

To use the CSV Upload feature follow these steps: 

  1. download current metadata 

  2. make changes to CSV file 

  3. upload CSV file 

  4. review and confirm changes 

Download your app's current metadata for all existing localizations by clicking on "Download Metadata". 

You'll get a CSV file that is filled with all of your existing app data. Make changes directly in the document and then upload it back into App Radar. 

Review your changes to ensure that they are correct.

Anything that you've removed will be highlighted in red and everything that you've added will be highlighted in green

Once you're ready, click "Apply Changes". The changes will then be saved in App Radar. There are not yet pushed to Google Play Store or App Store Connect. 

To publish these changes to Google Play Store or App Store Connect, click on "Export to app store"

Keep in mind that changes pushed to Google Play will be automatically live in the Google Play Store. 

While changes pushed to App Store Connect are not immediately submitted to be published. You'll need to login to your App Store Connect and confirm the changes once more there. 

Adding a New Locale 

If you want to add a localization for your app, you can take a look at the localizations codes by clicking "see available locales". 

Then you'll see a pop up that shows you all available locales and their localization code. 

In your CSV file, create a new row and place the country code for the locale you would like to add in the first column. 

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