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Share of Voice

See the share of ad impressions an app gets for a keyword

Milica Siriski avatar
Written by Milica Siriski
Updated over a week ago

What is Share of Voice? 

Share of Voice, or SOV, is the share of ad impressions an app has for a keyword. Meaning, the Share of Voice is a way to measure the exposure of your ads for a specific keyword in a time frame.

In simple terms, during x days, a specific keyword was used as a search term x times, and your ad showed up in x% of these searches. Our Share of Voice feature shows you the share of ad impressions for Apple Search Ads. 

How to Get to Share of Voice? 

The Share of Voice feature is found in Analyze --> Search Ads --> Share of Voice

How does Share of Voice Work?

First, select the country and type in a keyword.

Then the results will show you the Share of Voice, starting with apps that have the highest share of ad impressions.

The table contains the following information: 

  • App: The name of the app. By pressing the app icon you can see more details about that app

  • Developer: The name of the apps' developer 

  • Rating: The app's average star rating 

  • Ratings: The number of ratings an app has

  • Share of Voice: The percentage of ad impressions that app has for that keyword

  • Preview: View more details about the app 

  • Add: Add the competitor app to your Competitor list.

Just click on the field name on the top of the column to rearrange the order of the table. The results are arranged by the field where you see the arrow.

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