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Store Visibility

See if your app gets featured or lands in the top charts

Milica Siriski avatar
Written by Milica Siriski
Updated over a week ago

The Store Visibility section is made up of 3 features.

  • Featurings

  • Top Charts

  • Category Rankings


Check if your app or any competitors have been featured in Google Play or Apple App Store:

Getting featured can have a great impact on your app growth and success. Our team has created a tool that helps you attribute growth spikes to being featured.

Where to Find Featurings?

Inside App Radar, you can find Featurings in Overview --> Store Visibility --> Featurings

How Does Featurings Work?

First, select the app you want to see. That can be your app or any competitor app you've added to your App Radar account.

Then specify the date range.

Hover over the map to see more details.

In the table below the map view, you are also able to filter for:

  • Countries

  • Featuring Location

  • Filter by Type

The table gives the following information:

  • Country: Country where the selected app got featured

  • Featuring Location: Where in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store the selected app got featured

  • Featuring Type: The kind of feature

  • Avg. Position: The average ranking position the app had in the Featuring Type

  • Days Featured: The number of days the app was featured in that Featuring Type

  • Details: Daily ranking position the app had in the Featuring Type

You are able to export the table in a CSV file. Just click on the button "Export Table" on the right corner on top of the table.

If your app was not featured in that country, date range, or app store location, you'll get a message saying so.

Top Charts

See the Apple App Store and Google Play Top Charts

The Top Charts feature allows you to see the current featured apps of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store by category. You can find the feature on the left side menu: Overview --> Store Visibility --> Top Charts.

You can change the category by selecting the dropdown that defaults to Overall. You are also able to select the country and date you'd like to see the Top Charts for.

Category Rankings

See if you and your competitors are ranked in the Category Top Charts in Apple App Store or Google Play

You can find Category Rankings under Overview --> Store Visibility --> Category Rankings.

In Category Rankings, you can see if you or any of your competitors are currently ranked in the Category Top Charts. This feature is useful to see what types of apps are trending for each category in a specified country. You can then identify app trends for that category + country combination.

How Does Category Rankings Work?

First, choose the country, category, and date range for which you'd like to see category top chart rankings for.

You'll be able to see category top chart rankings for Free, Paid, and Grossing apps.

The results will show:

  • Days in Top Chart: how many days the app was in that category's top charts for the selected date range

  • Rank Start: the rank the app started with for the selected date range

  • Average Rank: the average category top chart ranking the app had in the selected date range

  • Rank End: the rank the app ended for the selected date range

To add the results to the Chart View, toggle the button on the chart column.

Your app will be labelled "My App".


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