Note: In order to link your App Store Connect account, you need admin rights.
After you add your app, in your App Radar account, you will find “Connect app” on your Dashboard.
After clicking on this, you will get the following a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Sign in to App Store Connect (Formerly iTunes Connect).
Step 2: Navigate to User and Access.
Step 3: Click the + (Add button) next to Users.
Step 4: Fill in the New User data.
Enter App Radar as the First Name and Connect as the Last Name. In the Email field, insert the address presented to you during the connection process inside App Radar (when you click "connect app", it's Step 3 where you can see the email address, e.g. → here your account guide will suggest you an email).
Step 5: Choose Roles.
Sales: Required for Sales Metrics in App Metrics Feature
Customer Support: Required for Reviews Feature
Finance: Required for App Metrics Feature
Marketing: Required for Store Listing Editor Feature
Note: These roles are needed to use all features, but work independent of one another. If you choose not to give the permission to all roles, you can still use the features that you give permissions for.
Step 6: Click Invite.
Our support team will now process your invitation. Within 48 hours after sending the invite, you will receive an email to the developer account you sent us the invite from. In this email, click on the button to finish your connection setup.