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Why Connect Your iOS and Android app with App Radar?

Here are 3 reasons why you should connect your apps within your App Radar account

Milica Siriski avatar
Written by Milica Siriski
Updated over a week ago

1. Unlock extra features in App Radar

Store Listing Editor, Reviews Replies and much more

App Marketers need to be efficient, have on overview over the app's performance and interpret next steps for optimization.

If you connect your iOS or Android app to App Radar, we’ll directly enable you to work in all your markets without having to switch around. You’ll find the list of all the added apps of your account and be able to do the whole ASO workflow in just one tool.

For each added app, App Radar walks you though a simple set up process where we suggest you competitors of the same category and more information to easily get started. As well as the connection process within your Consoles.

Once you connected your app(s), you will get the full overview of your dashboard including your latest reviews, your ASO score, your top performing countries and overall app performance (installs, uninstalls, crash rates etc.).

For a more detailed analysis, you can unlock your App Metrics, with conversion rate information and installs per keywords.

With this data, you can get the best insights on your app performance in order to start optimizing and increase your visibility. As you know, factors like crash rates, installs, ratings etc. are all impact factors for your ranking position next to your keywords and creatives.

Export these Store Listing changes directly and easily from within App Radar Store Listing Editor or Bulk Editor when your app is connected.

Check out how to connect your apps: Connect your iOS App & Connect Your Android App

2.Access all of your data in one place

App Metrics and Conversion Rates

When you talk about app marketing, you obviously want to measure the results of your hard work and keep a careful eye on your app’s installs and conversion rate.

By connecting your apps, you can access this data directly in your App Radar account. As a result, you can immediately check the impact of ASO events, such as metadata updates or being featured, on your app’s performance metrics.

By connecting your apps, you will be able to view your app’s Impressions, and Store Views in the App Metrics feature. In addition, you will access a full analysis of each of your app’s conversion rates:

  • From Impressions/ Store View to Installs

  • From Install to In-App Sales and Revenue

  • And more

Each of these metrics can be looked into in details when clicking on the detail next to a source or country.

Check out our App Metrics:App Metrics (Apple App Store) &

3.Export your metadata directly from your App Radar account

Keyword Density, Keyword Overview and Bulk Editor

Finally, as an App Marketer, you want to publish your optimized Store Listing to the app stores. This can easily be done within your App Radar account.

This way, you will have on the side your tagged keyword that you can simply add to the metadata field including a Store Listing preview, keyword translation, information on your metadata density and suggestions.

If you are a global company, with multiple local, you can use the Bulk Editor and add our metadata for multiple languages in one step.

Check out our Store Listing features: Store Listing Editor & Store Listing Bulk Editor

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