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Connecting App Store Connect for Review Management
Connecting App Store Connect for Review Management

Step-by-step guide to start replying to App Store reviews from your App Radar account.

Grete Ling avatar
Written by Grete Ling
Updated over a week ago

To manage Reviews from your App Radar account, you need to connect it with your App Store Connect account. For video tutorial go over here:

Note! You have to be Admin user of your App Store Connect account to do this.

7 Steps to Get Quickly Connected

  1. Log into your App Store Connect account with your Apple ID.

  2. Go to "Users and Access "--> tab "Keys". Click on the “+” button to add new key.

  3. Name your API Key and select the Admin access.

  4. Once you save this API Key, download it in the .p8 file format and copy the Key ID from the same table. Issuer ID is available above the table.

  5. Go to "Connections" page on your App Radar account. Then to the tab "Review Management" and click on the "Add Connection" button.

  6. In the modal which will open, select App Store and click on the Continue button.

  7. Paste your Issuer ID and Key ID which you copied from your App Store Connect account. Also upload the .p8 file which you downloaded from your App Store Connect account. Then, click on the Continue button.

And you're done! Now go to reply to your reviews :)

Step-by-step Guide with Screenshots

Log into your App Store Connect account with your Apple ID. Go to "Users and Access "--> tab "Keys". Click on the “+” button to add new key.

Name your API Key and select the Admin access.

Download the API Key and copy the Key ID from the same table.

Log into your App Radar account and go to the "Connections" page, then to the Review Management tab and click on the "Add Connection" button.

In the modal which will open, select App Store and click on the "Continue" button.

Paste your Issuer ID and Key ID which you copied from your App Store Connect account. Also upload the .p8 file which you downloaded from your App Store Connect account. Then, click on the "Continue" button. On the next page, select the apps from your App Store Connect account which you’d like to connect and click on the Done button.

Video Tutorial & Support

Check out the video below to get started faster. In case of any questions or issues, please reach out to for additional help.

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