Question Template Answer Types

You have many options when it comes to the types of answers choices you can include in your applications

Emma Sledge avatar
Written by Emma Sledge
Updated over a week ago

Choosing an Answer Type 

Apploi offers 7 different types of answers to choose from, making it easier for candidates to complete your applications. See the answer types below and best use cases for each: 

Text Answer

Allow applicants to enter their answers in a freeform text field. Best used for open-ended questions.

Video Answer

Allow applicants to upload a video answering a particular question. You can set a time limit on the video of 1, 3, or 5 minutes, as well as leave the video open-ended. We recommend only using one required video answer per application to avoid unnecessary drop off of applicants.

Slide Answer 

A great way to allow applicants to rate themselves on a specified scale.


Allow applicants to select a date from a calendar.

Time Availability 

An interactive way for applicants to provide their available schedule in an application. They can choose a set option for availability (i.e. weekdays, weeknights) or provide custom availability.

Multiple Choice

Provide applicants with answer options to choose from and select if applicants can choose only one answer or multiple.  


If you need to collect a signature from an applicant, you can insert this option as an answer. Applicants can use their cursor on a computer or finger on a phone/tablet to enter their signature. 

To learn more about navigating to and setting up your Question Templates feel free to view this article as well! 

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