Analytics - Summary of Reports

Find a summary of all available dashboards in Apploi

Emma Sledge avatar
Written by Emma Sledge
Updated over a week ago

Take a look at a summary of all the reports made available in Apploi. Depending on your access in the system you'll find a list of the Analytics Dashboards made available to you by default.

Don't forget - all these reports can be filtered and exported so you can better search for the information you really need!

You can always access dashboards and reports by clicking Analytics:

Dashboards & Reports Available for all Super Admin Users

These dashboards are made available by default for all Super Admin users in Apploi:

Main Dashboard

These reports provide a general overview of recruiting progress. They include total and recent applicants, current applicant statuses, and applicants per job. Additionally, this dashboard includes emails & text messages sent in total by facilities/teams and by individual user.

The additional dashboards in Apploi provide further details about each of these reports, but this is a great place for quick and high-level insights.

Applicant Details

Need to download a report that shows all applicants? This report provides that list, including details from their applications.

This report can also contain the location of the applicant and/or the source where the applicant applied. If you need these details reach out to your Customer Success Manager to gain access.

Applications by Job

Here you'll find an overview of applications broken down further by jobs. This includes the total applicants for each team's jobs in Apploi along with a further breakdown that includes the statuses of each applicant per job.

Applications by Team

Broken down by each of your teams in Apploi, this dashboard provides reports that show total applicants over time including weeks and months. It also provides a breakdown of applications by status -- a great way to discover which teams are updating their applicants' status and which might not be!

Interviews, Offers, Hires

This report shows a historical breakdown of all candidates who were interviewed, made an offer, and/or hired. All these details can be reviewed per team, job owner, and job.

Apploi determines each user in this section based on the Applicant Statuses used for each applicant, so make sure your users are updated statuses when appropriate to get the most accurate data!

Jobs Report

This report provides a list of all jobs in Apploi. See the date each job was created as well as the most recent date the job was published.

Sponsored Applications

If you are sponsoring jobs on Indeed and/or ZipRecruiter, this dashboard can help keep track of your success. These reports include applications from jobs sponsored both within Apploi using our Indeed integration and outside the platform.

Jobs sponsored outside of the platform will be indicated with a sponsored job board of Indeed (Outside Apploi) or ZipRecruiter (Outside Apploi). Keep in mind that jobs sponsored outside Apploi will not have a campaign budget, start or end dates displayed because we aren't privy to that information.

Team and Recruiter Activity

This report shows a breakdown of actions taken on Apploi for both teams and their users. You can see all communication (emails/texts) sent to applicants, along with other actions like status changes and the archiving of applicants.

You'll find these changes filtered by teams and users, along with the ability to see total changes over time.

Dashboards & Reports Available by Request

Need more information that the default reports don't provide? Ask your Customer Success Manager to assist in enabling any of the following:

Job Openings

If you use the Job Openings feature in Apploi, this dashboard is a must! It includes a summary of all job opening activity for teams and job owners.

You'll find averages for time to fill openings, and get more granular to see how long it takes to fill openings for specific jobs at specific teams.

Questions & Answers (EEOC)

Using the Apploi employment application to collect EEOC data? Make sure you have this dashboard enabled so you can report on this information accurately.

Applicant Status Changes

Similar to the Activity Log for each applicant in Apploi, this report includes a summary of all applicant status changes over time. It also includes which user in Apploi made the change, giving you a record of all the status updates that can be easily exported from the platform.

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