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How to uninstall Appstle Subscriptions from your store
How to uninstall Appstle Subscriptions from your store
Updated over 2 years ago

We are sorry to see you go. If there is anything that we, the Appstle team can do to make you stay with us (added features, better customization, theme fit, etc), please ping us, and we will be happy to work with you.
However, we do understand that your needs might change, and there may be situations when you would want to uninstall the app. In such cases, you can simply uninstall Appstle Subscriptions by navigating to your Shopify Admin panel > Settings > Apps and sales Channels.

Here, select to "Uninstall" Appstle Subscriptions.

If you have any questions about un-installing Appstle Subscriptions from your store, or if you need any other help, please reach out to us at or just ping us through the live chat widget on our app. Our 24x7x365 available experts will be happy to assist you further.

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