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Appstle Loyalty & Rewards - Dynamic Variables
Appstle Loyalty & Rewards - Dynamic Variables
Updated over 5 months ago

Below are tables that lists the dynamic variables in Appstle Loyalty for use with custom HTML emails.



{{ subject }}

Use for additional text for subject, like Welcome to {{ }} loyalty program.

{{ text_color }}

Used to change the text color of emails.


Used to change the email template background color.


Used to change the header background color of the email template.

{{ logo_url }}

For including your logo URL in the email template header.

{{ logo_height }}

Used to resize the logo URL above.


Used to change header text color.


Used for adding a heading to an email, like Welcome to our loyalty program.


Used to change the email template background color.

{{ text_color }}

Used to change the text color of the email.

{{ body_content | newline_to_br }}

For adding body content to an email template.


For adding your content to available points.


Lists the existing (or Available) points.


Used to send referral links through third-party email apps.


Displays the current VIP tier of a customer, if applicable.

{% if emailSettingType != null and (emailSettingType == "REWARD_AVAILABLE_REMINDER" or
emailSettingType == "REFERRAL" or emailSettingType == "REFERRAL_LINK" or emailSettingType ==


Description (if applicable)


Redirect link for accepting a referral.


Used to change the border color of the Claim button.

{{ claimNowButtonTextColor }}

Used to change the text color of the Claim button.

{{ claimNowButtonBackgroundColor }}

Used to change the background color of the Claim button.


Used to change the text content of the Claim button.


If applicable for discount code then it will be used for showing discount code else will be use for description of reward.


​ For Reward Available reminder and Birthday emails


Description (if applicable)


If applicable for discount code then it will be used for showing discount code else for birthday will be use for description of points reward.


Used to show the re.

Below is used to show the available redeem rules in emails If show redeem rules checkbox is enabled.

{%if showRedeemRules != null and showRedeemRules %}


Description (if applicable)


This is heading for showing available redeem rules


Used to change the heading color of available rewards.

{% for reward in rewardsSummaries %}


Description (if applicable)


Rule customer facing Label


Rule name


Rule Icon URL

{% endfor %}

​Below is used to show the available point rules in emails If show earn rules checkbox is enabled.

{%if showEarnRules != null and showEarnRules %}


Description (if applicable)


This is heading for showing available earn rules

{% for reward in earnRuleSummaries %}


Description (if applicable)


Rule name


Rule customer facing label


Rule Icon URL

{% endfor %} {% endif %}


Description (if applicable)


Used to change the footer background color.

{{ footer_text_color }}

Used to change the footer text color.

{{ footer | newline_to_br }}

Used to change the text content of footer.

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