Below are tables that lists the dynamic variables in Appstle Loyalty for use with custom HTML emails.
Variable | Description |
{{ subject }} | Use for additional text for subject, like Welcome to {{ }} loyalty program. |
{{ text_color }} | Used to change the text color of emails. |
{{templateBackgroundColor}} | Used to change the email template background color. |
{{header_background_color}} | Used to change the header background color of the email template. |
{{ logo_url }} | For including your logo URL in the email template header. |
{{ logo_height }} | Used to resize the logo URL above. |
{{header_text_color}} | Used to change header text color. |
{{heading}} | Used for adding a heading to an email, like Welcome to our loyalty program. |
{{templateBackgroundColor}} | Used to change the email template background color. |
{{ text_color }} | Used to change the text color of the email. |
{{ body_content | newline_to_br }} | For adding body content to an email template. |
{{available_points_label}} | For adding your content to available points. |
{{availablePoints}} | Lists the existing (or Available) points. |
{{referralLink}} | Used to send referral links through third-party email apps. |
{{achieved_tier}} | Displays the current VIP tier of a customer, if applicable. |
{% if emailSettingType != null and (emailSettingType == "REWARD_AVAILABLE_REMINDER" or
emailSettingType == "REFERRAL" or emailSettingType == "REFERRAL_LINK" or emailSettingType ==
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{redirectLink}} | Redirect link for accepting a referral. |
{{claimNowButtonBorderColor}} | Used to change the border color of the Claim button. |
{{ claimNowButtonTextColor }} | Used to change the text color of the Claim button. |
{{ claimNowButtonBackgroundColor }} | Used to change the background color of the Claim button. |
{{claimNow}} | Used to change the text content of the Claim button. |
{{rewardName}} | If applicable for discount code then it will be used for showing discount code else will be use for description of reward. |
β For Reward Available reminder and Birthday emails
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{rewardName}} | If applicable for discount code then it will be used for showing discount code else for birthday will be use for description of points reward. |
{{rewardDescription}} | Used to show the re. |
Below is used to show the available redeem rules in emails If show redeem rules checkbox is enabled.
{%if showRedeemRules != null and showRedeemRules %}
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{rewardsAvailable}} | This is heading for showing available redeem rules |
{{rewardsAvailableHeadingColor}} | Used to change the heading color of available rewards. |
{% for reward in rewardsSummaries %}
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{}} | Rule customer facing Label |
{{reward.note}} | Rule name |
{{reward.iconUrl}} | Rule Icon URL |
{% endfor %}
βBelow is used to show the available point rules in emails If show earn rules checkbox is enabled.
{%if showEarnRules != null and showEarnRules %}
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{earnRulesAvailableText}} | This is heading for showing available earn rules |
{% for reward in earnRuleSummaries %}
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{reward.ruleName}} | Rule name |
{{reward.ruleDescription}} | Rule customer facing label |
{{reward.iconUrl}} | Rule Icon URL |
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
Variable | Description (if applicable) |
{{footer_background_color}} | Used to change the footer background color. |
{{ footer_text_color }} | Used to change the footer text color. |
{{ footer | newline_to_br }} | Used to change the text content of footer. |