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Membership Upgrade/Downgrade
Updated over a year ago

As of the writing of this document, we have updated the behavior of upgrading or downgrading membership tiers. We will demonstrate how this works from the member portal.

This store has 2 variants of gold membership, one monthly, one yearly. This example customer initially purchased the monthly variant, and is looking to upgrade to yearly.

They can do this in the Membership Details section underneath. Click to upgrade Membership in the upper right and search for the variant.

Click Next and the system will automatically update the membership with the new variant. In addition, any time left from the customer's previous membership tier will be refunded to them in the form of a discount on their new tier, which will be calculated accordingly.

This discount will be visible both in the member portal... well as the Orders section of your store's Shopify Admin.

If you associated distinct tags with different tiers of memberships in your store, customer profiles in your Shopify Admin will be updated to the tag of the tier they swapped to.

Note: The tier change shown in this article is within the same membership tier (Gold), but this will apply when upgrading (ex: Gold to Platinum) or downgrading (ex: Gold to Silver) between tiers as well.

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