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Bulk Operations
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Bulk Operations Explained

  • Bulk Operations allow you to take specific actions across multiple customers.

  • When running Bulk Operations, you can run operations on all customers with a loyalty account or a specific set of customers.

Preparing for Bulk Operations

Exporting Customer ID Numbers

If you are using Bulk Operations for a specific set of Customer ID numbers, you may need to Export Customer ID numbers from the Customers section. To export a list of Customer ID numbers, navigate to Customers and click on Export. The system will email you a CSV file where you can extract the Customer ID numbers.

Accessing Bulk Operations

To access the Bulk Operations for the Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app, navigate to the More tab and click on Bulk Operations.

Performing Bulk Operations

There are currently eight Bulk Operations available for Appstle Loyalty & Rewards. Each operation can be run during other Bulk Operations and all running Bulk Operations will continue in the background until finished.

  • You can change settings for each Bulk Operation by clicking on Configure.

Bulk Point Adjustment

Bulk Point Adjustments allow you to give or remove points from customers. You can adjust the following fields for Bulk Point Adjustment.

  • Select Customer Type - Switches between All Customers or Specific Customer ID Numbers. When entering Customer ID numbers into Bulk Point Adjustment, please ensure that Customer ID numbers are separated by commas.

  • Point Type - Choose to either give or remove points.

  • Points Value - The amount of points to give or receive. Choose Fixed to make a non-variable adjustment or choose Percentage to make adjustments based on each customer's current points value.

  • Note - Note that will show up on the customer's account log.

After configuration, click Start to begin the operation.

Bulk Sync Orders

Bulk Sync Orders allows you to sync orders for all customers to ensure points are rewarded for all orders based on your existing earning rules. You can adjust the following fields for this Bulk Sync Orders.

  • Sync Orders - This allows you to reward points for open, closed, or all orders on your Shopify storefront.

  • Enable Sync Orders Between Specific Dates - You can choose to run this automation for a specific date range.

After configuration, click Sync All Past Orders to begin the operation.

Sync Single Order

Sync Single Order allows you to sync a specific order to reward loyalty points. Just enter the Order ID from your Shopify Orders page and click Sync to begin the process.

Bulk Vip Tier Assign

Bulk Vip Tier Assign allows you to give some or all of your customers a specific VIP Tier. You can adjust the following fields for Bulk Vip Tier Assign. When specifying customers based on tags, ID numbers, or emails, all applicable customers will have the new Tier applied.

  • Select VIP Tier Assign Type

    • Auto-Renewal - After this operation, the tiers will be adjusted the same as before.

    • Manual Update - After the operation finishes, the system will not update the VIP Tier automatically after this change and the operation will need to be repeated to change the VIP Tier again.

    • Renew on Achieving Higher Tier - After the operation finishes, the system will update the customer's tier if they are eligible to achieve a higher tier.

  • Select VIP Tier - Choose which tier to apply to the customers.

  • Specific Customers with Tags - Apply the new tier to customers with a specific tag.

  • Specific Customers with IDs - Apply the new tier to customers with a specific ID.

  • Specific Customers with Emails - Apply the new tier to customers with a specific email.

  • Send Respective VIP Rewards - When enabled, newly added VIP Tiers will also trigger the system to give rewards for that specific tier.

After configuration, click Start to begin the operation.

Remove Customers

Remove Customers will allow you to remove multiple customers from your loyalty program. Please note that this does not remove them from your Shopify storefront. To remove customers, add the Customer ID numbers into Customer ID and press Remove.

Send Reward Reminder Email

Send Reward Reminder Email will send a reward reminder to all customers if Klaviyo or Omnisend is integrated into the Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app. To send the reminder, click on Configure and then click on Send.

Send Rewards in Bulk

Send Rewards in Bulk allows you to reward some or all of your customers in bulk. You can adjust the following fields for Send Rewards in Bulk.

  • Select Customer Type - You can send a reward to either all of your customers or specific customers. If you choose Specific Customers you can specify the following fields.

    • Specific Customers with IDs - Send rewards to customers based on Customer ID.

    • Specific Tier Customers - Send rewards to customers in a specific VIP Tier.

    • Specific Customers with Tags - Send rewards to customers with a specific tag.

    • Specific Customers with Emails - Send rewards to customers based on email.

  • Deduct Points From Customer For This Reward - If this is enabled, running the operation will deduct points for the rewards sent to customers.

  • Select Reward - Select which reward will be sent to your customers. This list will include all active rules in the loyalty program. Only one reward can be chosen per operation.

After configuration, click Start to begin the operation.

Merge Customers

Merge Customers allows you to merge two customer accounts together and combine all loyalty program data. Please note that this process does not combine Shopify data such as orders and addresses which must be merged in the Shopify settings. There are two fields for Merge Customers.

  • Target Customer Email - This customer email will be the receiver of new data from the merge.

  • Customer to Merge Email - This customer email will be giving the data for the merging process to the Target Customer Email.

Please ensure the correct emails are placed here as this process is not reversible.

After configuration, click Merge to begin the operation.

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