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Product Page Bundles
Updated over a week ago


Product Page Bundles are a feature available to our Business-tier merchants and above.

A common question merchants have is what the difference between build a box and bundling is. Put simply, Bundling is for offering discounts when specific products are purchased together, while build a box is for allowing customers to add multiple subscription products of their choosing, and purchasing them as a group.

The Product Page Bundle is a great way to offer complementary products for sale together. A perfect, yet simple, use case is the classic shampoo and conditioner combo. You can use this feature to offer customers looking at one product or the other the opportunity to purchase both of them together at a discount. This ultimately has benefits for both sides, with you, as the merchant, potentially increasing the revenue of your store, and customers potentially saving time and money while conducting business with you.

While most bundling tools allow the bundling of either one-time purchases or subscription purchases together, Appstle’s bundling is unique in that it allows for the grouping of both one-time purchase and subscription products together.


Navigate to More > Product Page Bundles, then click Create Product Page Bundle to be taken to the following page.

In the first section of the configuration, you need to enter some basic information: the bundle name, the title, the description, the action button text, the text under the button, and finally select the status of the bundle, either Active or Paused.

In the next section, select your bundle type, either Classic or Mix and Match. In Classic, you as the merchant determine the bundle contents, while the customer is not able to modify them in any way. In Mix and Match, customers get the ability to keep the products they want and/or remove the products they do not want in the bundle. With this option, you can also define the min/max number of products and min/max quantity per product that the customer can select for their bundle.

For Classic, simply enter a Min and Max quantity of products.

The next section is Bundle Type, which has 5 different checkboxes provided. The first is Select Subscription By Default, which activates subscriptions for all products that are a part of the bundle (if a subscription plan for the product is set).

Then there’s Show Combined Selling Plans. If you enable this option, the customer will only see one dropdown menu with frequency options for the products in their bundle. If you disable it, every product in the customer’s bundle will have a separate dropdown for delivery frequency, instead.

Enable Single Quantity Selector controls for whether all products get a single quantity selector (enabled) or each individual product gets its own selector (disabled).

Allow Product Quantity For Bundle Validity allows customers to fill their quota of products prior to purchasing a bundle using only a subset of the products in it. They simply would need to up the quantity of the products they intend on purchasing.

Items Unchecked By Default is self-explanatory.

Below that is Discounts. If you'd like to set discounts on the total price of the bundle, you can set that in this section. Enter a numerical value into this field then select either Percentage or Fixed Amount Off in the dropdown.

Next is Bundle Product Level. You can select to have the selected variants for products displayed as a dropdown or as standalone products in the bundle.

And finally, in this last section, you can select your products to include in your bundle. It is important to note that the products you select from these bundling settings are one-time purchase by default. If you wish to offer any of the products on a subscription, you must make sure that the same product is associated with a subscription plan in the Manage Plans section of your dashboard.

When you are done, hit Save in the upper right-hand corner to finalize your bundle. Now on your storefront, click on any of the products in your catalog that are part of the bundle you have just created, and scroll down to find a section displaying that product as well as the others that can be purchased as a bundle.

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