Dashboard Bulletins
Updated over a week ago

Attention: Apricot is now Bonterra Case Management. Please bear with us as we update our screenshots to match our new name.

Dashboard Bulletins

The main landing page you see after you login to Bonterra Case Management displays a "dashboard" where you can access different parts of your database. Dashboard Bulletins are bulletins that are displayed within the dashboard.


Bulletins are special announcements that can be created by an Bonterra Case Management Administrator to provide timely messages to staff, to provide instructions for how to enter new data, to provide tips or links related to easing workflow, to display an Bonterra Case Management report, etc. In our above example:

  • "This is a Bulletin": is the name you give a bulletin

  • "This is the Category Name": is the name of the category in which the bulletin was created under

  • Below that is the body of the bulletin that which can be customized.

  • If you don't see a bulletin your site may not have one.

  • For step-by-step instructions please check out this article!

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