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What is in a Document Folder?
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Document Folder in Apricot is the central hub where you can access and manage all the Tier 2 records associated with a specific Tier 1 form, such as a participant or organization profile. It provides a wealth of functionality to help you stay organized and productive, including:

  • Creating new Tier 2 records

  • Printing all or selected Tier 2 records

  • Creating referrals to other programs

  • Copying records from one Document Folder to another

Continue reading below to learn how to access the Document Folder and familiarize yourself with its various features.

Step 1: Access the Document Folder

There are a few different ways you can navigate to the Document Folder in Apricot.

From the "My Apricot" tab, expand the "Search Records" category of the navigation bar and click on the name of a Tier 1 form to go to its Record Search page. Locate the Tier 1 record you want to view, then click any of the gray text to open the Document Folder.

Note: Any fields present on the Record Search page that is used as a Search Field will be displayed as green text. Clicking on the green text will link directly to the record, while clicking on gray text for any other Quick View fields will direct to the Document Folder.

When viewing a Tier 1 record, you can click "View Folder" in the Record Options palette on the right side of the screen to be taken directly to the Document Folder.

After successfully saving a new Tier 1 record, you'll also be given the "View Folder" option in the confirmation pop-up, allowing you to jump to the associated Document Folder.

Step 2: Edit the Tier 1 record

At the top of the Document Folder, you can select "Edit" to navigate to the Tier 1 record itself and save changes to the information.

Step 3: Create a new Tier 2 record

To add a new Tier 2 record that's automatically associated with the Tier 1 record, click "Create" at the top of the Document Folder. Then, select a Tier 2 form from the pop-up to load a blank record for you to fill out.

Step 4: Explore the tabs

The Document Folder tab will list all Tier 2 forms associated with the Tier 1 form. Click the + icon next to a Tier 2 form name to view any records created for the Tier 1 record.

Note: You can hold down the Control key on your keyboard when clicking on the Tier 2 records to open them in a new browser tab.

The "Overview" tab shows basic information for the Tier 1 record and recent activity associated with it. You can expand the "Quick View Information" to view any data associated with the Quick View fields of the Tier 1 record.

To view any Tier 1 forms linked to or from the selected Tier 1 record, click the "Links" tab at the top of the Document Folder. Similar to the Tier 2 records on the "Document Folder" tab, you can expand a Tier 1 form name and click on a linked record to view it.

Finally, the "Enrollments" tab allows you to create and manage Program Enrollments, while the "Appointments" tab allows you to see any appointments that have been set up for the Tier 1 record using Apricot Schedule.

Step 5: Print records from the Document Folder

Clicking the "Print" button at the top of the page lets you print either all the records within the Document Folder or selected subsets of the records.

To learn more about Apricot's print options, click here.

Step 6: Add a referral (Apricot Pro and Enterprise only)

Click the kebab menu (or three-dot icon) at the top-right of the page, then select "Create Referral" to refer the Tier 1 record to another program in your database.

To learn more about referrals, click here.

Step 7: Copy records to another Document Folder

In Apricot, it's possible to create copies of records from one Document Folder and save the copies to another Document Folder. This is useful for Tier 2 records that apply to multiple Tier 1 records but weren't created with the Batch Record tool, or records that need to be associated with a different Tier 1 record than the one they were associated with at the time of creation.

Note: The "Allow Copies" form property must be enabled in order to copy the records of a form.

To learn more about how to do this, click here.

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