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How do I report on checkbox fields? (Native Reporting)
How do I report on checkbox fields? (Native Reporting)
Updated over 4 months ago

Checkbox fields are non-exclusive fields that allow users to select multiple options for one question. This can sometimes make reporting on or graphing these responses a bit tricky if you're unfamiliar.

A common solution for reporting on checkbox fields is to create separate sections and section counts that filter for each option. To learn more about section counts, click here.

Follow the steps listed below to learn how to display and graph checkbox field data in a report.

Step 1: Add sections for each option

In the Report Actions palette, click '+ Add New Section'. Then, you can name the section after the first checkbox option within the Section Properties.

Next, pull in the checkbox field into the report section and add a filter for any responses that match the first checkbox option. To learn more about filters, click here.

Open the Section Properties again, then select Copy to add an identical report section to the one you just built within the same report.

You can name this section after the next checkbox option, then click Copy.

Edit the filter in the copied section to instead match the next checkbox option, then click Apply.

Continue copying sections and editing filters until you have a report section built for every checkbox option.

Step 2: Add a summary section

Add another section, then drag and drop a Section Count column into the section.

Open the Column Properties by clicking the green gear icon next to the column name. In the "Choose a Section" dropdown field, select the section named after the first checkbox option. Apply your changes, then continue pulling in more Section Count columns until you've selected every checkbox option's section.

Step 3 (optional): Graph your results

If you decide to create a graph displaying your responses, open the Column Properties again for each Section Count and set the Summary to show 'Value'.

Then, open the summary section's properties and select Yes under 'Show Graph'.

This will populate a graph above your report columns; click the green gear icon at the top right of the graph to open its properties. Select what type of graph you want to display, and be sure to choose 'Summaries' under Data Source.

Then, click the + icon next to Summaries to add enough dropdown menus to select each checkbox option's column within them. Apply your changes, then your report graph should look like the below screenshot:

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