Create New Sessions Pack
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Written by Team Arbox
Updated over a week ago
  1. Click Settings in the sidebar

  2. Click “Membership Types” to open up the Membership Settings page.

  3. Click the blue


    in the bottom-right corner of the page

  4. This will open an option to “Add New Sessions Pack”. Click that and a new popup will appear on the screen.

  1. Start by adding in the name of the Sessions Pack. An example of a name is “10 Visits Pack”.

  2. After choosing the name, click the dropdown menu to define which location this pack will be valid at.

  3. Next, define how many sessions at your studio are permitted using this pack.

  4. Following this, you’ll set the price and provide an SKU number for reporting purposes. Note that the SKU number is optional.

  5. Next, you’ll choose an expiration date for this pack. This can be defined in days, months or years.

  6. Finally, you can decide whether this pack will appear on the registration page as a purchasable option.

  7. After these settings, you’re then given options to segment and restrict this pack however you see fit:

  1. Enabling this pack for all studio activities or only for certain classes.

  2. Limiting the frequency of using this pack for registering to various classes.

  3. Limiting usage to specific days.

  4. Limiting usage to specific hours.

  5. Enabling extended booking times prior to a scheduled class.

  6. Limiting registration to classes only on the basis of empty spots available.

  7. Setting this pack as “transparent”. This means that when a member uses this pack to sign up for classes, it won’t be reflected in your membership data. Select this option for trial members or those with an outside membership plan.

  1. When finished, click Save and your Sessions Pack will be added to the Membership Settings page.

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