Getting to Know the Member Card Page
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Written by Team Arbox
Updated over a week ago

The homepage of the Arbox platform is called the “Dashboard” - this is where all of the most important information about your club can be found. You can click on any of the data points listed there and be presented with a detailed report for each.

Let’s go through the different parts of the dashboard and what they mean:

  • Unique Members - this is the total number of members connected to your club and includes active members, members whose membership also includes others (like children listed under their name and inactive members)

  • Active Memberships & Sessions Punch Cards - these numbers show the total number of active members with these membership types

Note: if a member has more than one active membership type or has both a membership and a sessions punch card that are active, they will be displayed according to the number of memberships they have

  • Memberships About to Expire - This is the number of members who meet the following criteria:

  • Owners of memberships that are about to expire within the next 14 days

  • Owners of sessions punch cards with 3 or fewer punches remaining or that will expire within the next 14 days

  • No Visits in Past Week - in this report you can see those members who haven’t performed specific actions within the past week. You can choose the action from this list: registration for a class, check-in or entrance via chip.

  • Total Monthly Income - the sum of the invoices + credit invoices generated from the beginning of the month

  • Open Debts - the sum of open debts from both active and inactive members

  • Attending Today - the number of members who are registered for today’s classes plus those members who have entered using their chip today

  • Leads in Process - the number of leads currently within the sales process

  • Attended Trial Classes - the number of leads who are registered for a trial class today

  • Converted Leads, This Month - the number of leads that have been converted this month

  • Leads Split - this chart shows how many leads are in each of your different lead statuses

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