View Who Fills Out Form
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Written by Team Arbox
Updated over a week ago

Required Forms

  1. When you want to see which members have filled out forms, the first step is to check that all of the forms requiring a signature have actually been denoted as such

  2. Click on Settings in the sidebar and then under “Business Settings” you can see which forms have been set as required

  3. If there are no forms set as required, click on the

    to edit the form and turn on the feature to make it required

View Who Has Filled Out Forms

  1. In order to see which members have filled out the forms and which haven’t, click on Forms & Waivers in the sidebar and then click on the “Signed” section

  2. You can then filter the results by members, leads and staff members

  3. You can also filter by criteria of the form, such as signing date, valid or expired

  4. When choosing the date range, the range can be according to the signing date or the validity of the form

  5. Note: the signed forms report will show everyone who has signed a form, whether it was a required form or not

  1. If you would like to know who has not filled out a form, click on Froms & Waivers in the sidebar and look in the “Missing” section:

  1. You can then filter the results by members, leads and staff members

  2. You can choose the membership type

  3. When choosing the date range, the range can be according to the creation date of their membership or the purchase date

  4. Note: the signed forms report will show everyone who has signed a form, whether it was a required form or not

  1. Additionally, on each member’s profile page, you can see which required documents have been signed and which not

  1. Search for the member’s name in the search bar, then under the “Member Info” tab you can see a section of all the documents that have been sent to the member and whether they filled them out or not

  1. Optional forms will only appear in this list once they’ve been signed

  2. If a member hands you a form filled out in person, you can manually edit this list by clicking on the


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